1. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,489 kudos
    Please read this, you'll be happier for it:

    1. This was created with the official CK.

    2. Yes, the required game version is mandatory. We often have to absorb official updates into our fixes so that everything continues to work properly. Because of this, we will NOT provide older versions of the patch for any reason. Update your game.

    3. Removal of mods is not supported by Bethesda. DO NOT deactivate this patch even if you suspect it of causing some kind of problem. You WILL fubar your game and in doing so, you forfeit any support from us.

    4. Do not unpack the BA2 assets. Doing so forfeits any support from us. Use the mod as distributed.

    5. There is no such thing as a clean save. See #3. Do not follow advice from others claiming this to be true, because it is not, and never will be.

    6. If you send me a PM asking about something that's been covered in the readme, sticky posts, or the description of the mod, I will summarily delete the message without a response. All of the information you need is readily available. Read it.

    7. We do not support Fallout 4 VR on PC or console. Please do not ask. The data files for the game on VR are not identical to the standard PC version and thus we cannot guarantee compatibility and cannot provide support for anyone trying to use it on VR.

    8. We also do not provide patch support for Creation Club DLC. This would require additional expense that few if any team members are willing to put out. Any bugs in this content should be reported directly to Bethesda so they can fix it at the source.

    9. Do not post asking about why the DLC is required, simply accept that it is. No, we will NOT provide you a special non-DLC patch or combinations suited only to certain DLCs. We unified for a reason. Required mean REQUIRED. Any posts on this subject will be summarily deleted without a response, along with any replies from other users prior to us noticing them. This is not a democracy. You don't get a vote. Repeat offenders who don't take the hint will be blocked without notice.

    Provided by BenRierimanu:

    10. Object flicker is not usually the fault of the unofficial patch, please see if your precombine and or previs patch solution is in the correct spot for your load order. For PRP, there's a very big and obvious image on the mod description for what to do there and typically applies to any variant of it, if it doesn't fix the issue, bother me on the respective mod page.
  2. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,489 kudos
    Starting to get why other mod authors have a wall of stickies about stuff like this now, but:

    This mod thread is not a general troubleshooting area. We are here to provide support for the use of UFO4P in your games, not to provide general support for every tangentially related thing in your games. We have been noticing lately that these types of posts coming here are leading people to the false conclusion that this patch is responsible for those problems and then they tell others elsewhere and all context is lost. This ends now.

    From now on, any post not having something directly to do with the UFO4P itself is not permitted here. Go and use the general forums for your general troubleshooting. Nexus has plenty of people who frequent those areas, and so does Reddit. Please go and use those. There are also a number of mod support chat rooms on Discord you could use as well.

    Posts violating this will be locked, removed, and the posters possibly blocked as well.
  3. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,489 kudos
    As was mentioned in other posts, the 2.1.1a update only adds Canary support to help with efforts to track down a potentially lethal engine bug (lethal to your saves that is).

    For details on what exactly that means, see Kinggath's mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44949

    You'll also need to install that in order for the support to be of any value. So please consider doing so. The more people who install this and play with it running, the sooner the cause can be found and presented to Bethesda for a proper fix.
  4. BenRierimanu
    • premium
    • 477 kudos
    Known issue for PS5 users, PS4 is fine:
    One of the DLC (Workshops / Wasteland Workshop) has a plugin master file that UFO4P and other plguins depend on that's not named correctly to the ones we expect on other platforms. BGS has to fix this one.
  5. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,489 kudos
    If you are getting messages in Vortex that the archives in UFO4P are not valid, please update to the new Vortex stable version. It has been updated to properly read the new archive headers.

    You should be on 1.11.3 or greater for this error to go away.

    I would like to point out again, for the umpteenmillionth time though, that this "error" is only an "error" to the mod manager. The game will not have any issues loading the archives. Ignore it if you don't want to update Vortex for whatever weird reason.
  6. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,489 kudos
    A verifiable test case for the stuttering issue has been created by Glitchfinder. As predicted, it wasn't due to anything WE did, but rather something Bethesda themselves needs to fix. I have the files myself and will link them somewhere in the morning for anyone who wants to verify this themselves.

    The tl;dr of it though is this: ANY mod which makes an edit of ANY kind to an NPC WILL contribute to the issue. It makes absolutely no difference what kind of edit it is, but the issue was introduced with the NG Update. Not by anything we did to the patch.

    EDIT: Here are the files to replicate the test: https://www.afkmods.com/StutterTest.7z

    Use a save in Sanctuary Hills next to the workshop. Install the no overrides version first. Run from there to downtown Concord. You should encounter an FPS hit, but no major hitching or stuttering and by the time you get there all the NPC should have been spawned.

    Exit the game and switch to the file with the overrides. Reload the Sanctuary Hills save. Run to downtown Concord again. You should notice the difference immediately once you've reached where the 2 bloodbugs usually spawn by the car, and it will become increasingly worse as you continue. Assuming your game doesn't crash, you should eventually be able to reach the spawning area and still see raiders dropping in from above. The stuttering should be VERY obvious.
  7. AkosEquilibrior
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Where can we download old versions of this patch?
    For example in my case i downgraded to 1.10.163 and i am now in the progress of downgrading my modlist.

  8. Will58448
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Where would we be without this mod? All hail The Unofficial Patch Project Team!
  9. CompactedPig232
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    [I missed the comment immediately below mine like a fool]
  10. TheeSpongeman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I entered a search, but nothing came up, but this has probably been asked before.

    The Steam page for the game only has 9 dlc's. Yet this requires 15? So how do you get the missing 6?
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,489 kudos
      They're all listed in the description. They're the ones that were added with the 980 update.
  11. gratka25xd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello does the order of charging have to be the same as in the description? Because I have all the dlc and addons from creation club it makes me wonder if it's that important because the bethesda website doesn't mention the loading order just important to have all the required addons and content because I just want to download and install this mod?
  12. IdleWanderers
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    I agree with Arthmoor that UFO4P is not the cause of stuttering with the Next-Gen Update. I am running on a fresh install of Fallout 4.  All I have installed so far is F4SE and UFO4P with no stuttering. I will add mods one by one until I can find the root cause of the stuttering. I will respond to my comment when I have narrowed down the culprit(s). 
    1. IdleWanderers
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      So far, I have found minor stutters of about a 5 fps loss for about a 1/2 second. I noticed the stutter at the entrance of Concord at the speed limit sign and at cell change. 
    2. juice26us
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      You need to go to expired's patreon to get the newest one. And its free. 
    3. IdleWanderers
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      Is it different than ver.
    4. SanityFlippers
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      achivement enabler will not and doesn't cause issues with the game.... if you have stutter it's else where
    5. IdleWanderers
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      You are probably right. I am going to change my second post. I have removed Achievements Enabler and I still found stuttering.

      After testing for about 24 hours, I am convinced that Looksmenu causes the stuttering. I played the Next-Gen update without any mods and found zero stuttering. I played the game with UFO4P and found zero stuttering. I played the game with Looksmenu and that's when the stuttering started. 

      In conclusion, I agree with Arthmoor that Bethesda changed something with the Next-Gen Update regarding NPCs/PC, and it needs to be addressed. Or mod authors need to adapt to the new update. It would be nice to see the Fallout 4 Community come back to life after 3-5 years of inactivity. 
    6. Red91
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      There's definitely more mods causing it. I don't run LooksMenu at all and I'm getting the stuttering. Not tested it yet, but I have a few that I suspect will be contributing (Better Companions, Companion Bugfix and We Are The Minutemen, to name a few).

      Going by what Arthmoor said, I don't think it'll be an easy fix for modders, so unfortunately we're probably stuck waiting until Bethesda decides to fix the issue....
    7. IdleWanderers
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      I don't use any of those mods. Keep in mind, my tests start at a non-modded save. Removing/Adding plugins mid-save can cause problems. I start my save inside vault 111 using F4SE. I slowly add mods to the list until stuttering occurs. So far, the only mod that has directly caused stuttering was Looksmenu. I have about 300 plugins to go through. I am at about 30. F4SE, UFO4P, OCBP, CBBE, 3BBB, CCO, Eli's Armor, MM, hair mods, clothing, armor, and creature retextures. Currently no stuttering. 
    8. Red91
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So did mine - I stated a fresh save after the NG stuff came out, with the same mods I had before. Didn't have problems with them then, but have now. Did the same thing as you, too - starting in 111, then adding as I went.

      Was having an issue with the Survival needs not updating properly, plus getting those stutters, so was going through them all to see what was going on. Not sure how, but I got it the needs fixed. Got a little overzealous and reactivated all the other mods I had and am now having the stutter issue again.

      Updated the wrong profile, so I can't even remember exactly what ones I had working before, so I guess I'm starting again the process again...
    9. IdleWanderers
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      I started the game back up with the mods that I had installed prior to the update. I had some serious issues with cell change.

      I added "fix" mods that I never used before. I personally don't think any of those fixes actually do anything. More like sugar pills or something.

      Entering Concord is the only place that that I have actually witnessed a stutter so far. It's really not game breaking, but annoying. It could be script related to quest in Concord or a vanilla LOD delay. 
    10. Red91
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Possibly. I've seen them as far down as Drumlin Diner, though. Think I was getting them near Abernathy and Oliva too. Never tried going further afield, as they were getting too annoying to play with.
    11. IdleWanderers
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      I ran around all the way to diamond city from vault 111. The only stutter I experienced was around Concord. 
    12. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,489 kudos
      I doubt very much LooksMenu has anything to do with it unless it too messes with NPC edits.

      The test files linked in the bottom sticky make it pretty clear what the issue is, and it doesn't really matter if you spawn the hoard in Concord or somewhere else, wherever it's spawned becomes the problem zone.

      I think we're just going to have to wait on the devs to fix this themselves since no actual solution seems feasible without the game's source code.
    13. IdleWanderers
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      It is what it is. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to multiple Bethesda games. I just downgraded. Problem solved. 
    14. Helveden
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Arthmoor synically I still believe this entire debacle's intentional by them... Two months to fix such a basic function that otherwise breaks the game isn't really "normal" behavior...
      Running quite tired of Beth in general...
    15. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,489 kudos
      Two months isn't even enough time to get approval through channels to commit to an update, especially when priority is focused elsewhere. While they may have somewhere around 500 people on the team now, that's throughout the entire studio, not just the dev team. It's considerably larger than what they had, but nowhere near the size of a lot of other studios - who by the way take even longer to approve seemingly easy updates.

      There's also the possibility this update simply isn't as easy as it looks to us on the outside. Although they now have a working test case for it, that isn't always enough. Such things generally only narrow the possible causes, not point a finger right at it.

      And lastly, no, there's no stupid conspiracy here. Where do people even come up with this crap?
    16. pokara06
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      the only thing that makes me a little "scared" about it is the small probability that Bethesda will decide to do nothing, and leave the game as it is right now
    17. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,489 kudos
      That would be a shame. Such a scenario would make doing anything for this game infeasible as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure they know this as well.
  13. Deadlocke4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    why does a game mod to fix issues to the base game require other mods like the tesla cannon or heavy incinerator?
    1. daywalker03
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Because those are now included in the base game as of the latest update.
  14. OthelloHeisenberg
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    How to install the patch please ?
    1. angryglock
      • premium
      • 137 kudos
      Use a mod manager. MO2 or Vortex if you can't figure out MO2. If you don't know how to use either check one of the many YouTube videos on how to use MO2 or Vortex.
  15. bc0451
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Without UFO4P, Dogmeat will stop the hyper action of constantly wanting to be in front of you when in workshop mode. However, with UFO4P, Dogmeat continues with the hyper actions in workshop mode. Anyway to stop the hyper actions in workshop mode, such as another mod? 
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,489 kudos
      This isn't a UFO4P issue. I've had Dogmeat as my follower since starting my new playthrough and have been in workshop mode many times and he never does as you describe. Usually he goes off to one of the nearby dog houses to chill while I'm building. Otherwise he hangs out with the settlers who congregate near the power armor thingy.
  16. Lucarioyo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    is the GOG version the pre new gen update one? I used the downgrader 
    1. Jpwolf69
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      It is not the Next-gen Fallout 4.