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  • KotOR - Balance in the Force v1.0.0 Released

    Balance in the Force is an updated and more balanced gameplay and a streamlined leveling experience with its sequel KotOR 2. The most prominent change is that I've rebalanced the base weapon types and heavily increased the damage for ranged weapons, removed overpowered powers. The Auto-Level Feature was removed as well due to it shorting the player Force Powers under certain conditions. Recommended level up features have been updated to add a more consistent experience for first time players. I've also removed some overpowered force powers that trivialize the difficulty of the game such as Knight Speed, Master Speed, and Improved Energy Resistance.

    Balance in the Force also contains a number of quality-of-life features that can been found in other mods as well that mak...

  • Modernizing BOSSR for 2024

    Hello everyone! Long time no see, It's me! As the uploader of this mod I've had the blessing and privilege to see it enjoyed by thousands over the course of the last decade, but unfortunately, also saw various users who had either issues with the mods difficulty, or wanted various upgrades or improvements, only to learn that SIlveredge9 was no longer working on the mod.

    As the Host of the Nexus version, I wanted to remedy that in whatever way that I could, but for years had other things going on. But over the years, I have seen various community members slowly include improvements to the mod, wither High Quality Skyboxes, Portraits, or minor tweaks here and there.

    If you have modded BOSSR and would like either a link to your mod from the BOSSR Nexus Page, or wouldn'...

  • More enemies on Taris v1.22

    Hi everyone !

    I'm very proud to introduce you to my Taris overhaul. It was originally intended to only give more fights for Kotor 1, to give a Kotor 2 TSL flavor to the gameplay, but it became more than that along the way.

    It will add a lot of ennemies, mix appearances for less clone effect, add totally new npcs, fix sounds and names for npcs, revise unused areas, tweak some npcs patrol paths so they encounter the player more frequently, increase slightly the difficulty and boost bosses stats, improve the loots for puzzle areas, add several sandbox items such as a Gang knife or a Venom inoculator and give you the option for new cantina musics. 

    It will make Taris a more fun, exciting and difficult experience. If you play on easy, you will have more fun ...

  • More ennemies on Endar Spire mod

    A little mod to add more ennemies in the first parts of the game. 

    Hopefully i will develop more of this kind of mods in the future, so every parts of the game can get a little harder.

    Hope you enjoy....

  • Sherruk attacks with lightsabers - TSL Patcher

    Milo41 file was not working into my override, as i am learning to mod i provide you my very first TSLPatcher mod equipping Sherruk with its lightsabers....

  • Kotor Cinematic Overhaul

    Edited and remade cinematic using Unreal Cinema and Hobbit VFX footages....

  • Feat Progression

    Update: Sorry for those that downloaded this prior to 4/2/2016. The issue with the installer was thought to have been fixed and in reality fell through the cracks to be completely forgotten...
    Original Review on Filefront:
    KotOR I is indeed a great game as it allows you to customize your characters with new armor, abilities, and powers not to mention it's great storyline. You can definitely tell that this game cheats you a little bit on feats and powers though because it only will give you 1-2 of them each time you level up. I think, and obviously Shem thought, that is a little less then you should actually be getting. So anyway that is why I am happy to announce this mod that will take care of that pesky little factor.
    You know Shem... he make...

  • Malak redone 2023

    Original description

    I was tired of Malak old dumb egg face so I made another inspired on the banner on steam and i used Dark Hope's great model to do so !

    I REALY THANK Dark Hope to let me use the textures of her great mode 
    here is the link of her great mode I've only edited the face and the body in my version the base work is hers.

  • Malak redone 2021

    I was tired of Malak old dumb egg face so I made another inspired on the banner on steam and i used Dark Hope's great model to do so !

    I REALY THANK Dark Hope to let me use the textures of her great mode 
    here is the link of her great mode I've only edited the face and the body in my version the base work is hers.

  • Republican Soldier HD

    About This File
    Re-texture of Republican Soldier, for Star wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
    Texture Resolution 1024X1024, 2048X2048. The archive contains 2 textures, 2 .txi. To Install 1. Download: RepSold HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love....


    Re-texture of Astromech droid, for Star wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Texture Resolution 2048X2048.  1. Download: DrdAstro HD International Global mod  2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder.  (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override)  3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay.  4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated)...


    Edited model - DarthParametric
    Re-texture of Trask Ulgo and soldier uniform, for Star wars: Knights of
    the Old Republic. Texture Resolution 1024X1024, 2048X2048. The archive
    contains 2 textures. 3 icons and 2 .txi.
    To Install
    1. Download: Trask HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override)
    3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love....

  • new edit with skin texture

    new skin edit with face skin texture...

  • Nude male player 2.5

    here is an updated textures file....

  • Nude Canderous

    Nude body files

  • Lucasarts SWTOR Logo Mod.

    This is my first mod for STAR WARS: Knights of The Old Republic....

  • kotor player nude male

    hey guys here we have a nude male for kotor
    the upload is of a mod that was made by Ninivekha and the player/modder gave me permission to upload this copy, I made a few changes with this mod by changing certain files in the mod folder....

  • Vrook HD International Global mod

    Ре-текстураиз Враока, для "Звездных войн: Рыцарей Старой Республики". разрешение текстур1024X1024.
    ДляУстановить1.Скачать: Vrook HD International Global mod2. Копировать всефайлы в папку переопределения Рыцарей Старой Республики.(Образецрасположение - C:\Program файлы (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override)3. Когда/еслипоявится запрос на перезапись файлов, нажмите кнопку ОК.4. Если вынравится мод; оставить комментарий или одобрить! (Это было бы очень ценно)...

  • Exotic costume of Bastila

    Добрый день. Я был впечатлен @JCarter426 "JC раб Бастила для K1 1.3". Я не удержался и сделал новую текстуру в HD. Разрешение 2048X2048. Увеличение разрешения позволило улучшить качество текстуры и добавить детализированные орнаменты. Архив содержит только текстуры. Установленный поверх Бастила Джк Невольничьего для к1 1,3

  • Ebon Hawk's Animated Screen HD

    Worked on animation Sith Holocron. The resolution of the texture is 8192x2048. I tried to draw each element of the texture in accordance with the original....