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  1. Mgamerz
    • premium
    • 210 kudos
    Report issues to the ME3Tweaks Discord. If you report them here and not to the discord you are wasting your time.

    This page is NOT for asking for help making mods.There are plenty of resources available for making mods and getting help making them.

    Pirated games and non-microsoft supported operating systems are NOT SUPPORTED IN ANY WAY.
  2. Nightsong18
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    The mod manager seems to enable the console ingame. That's fine except that it's bound to "TAB" - same button used in the photo mode to hide the UI
    to take screenshots. Any way around this problem?

    edit: Got a response on the discord. (can change it in the manager in tools - keybindings if anyone has the same issue)
  3. Patry18
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    "This operation system is not supported. This application has only been validated for use on the following operating systems: win 10 (EOL versions) win 11 (EOL versions)"

    Hmm... is this going to be a problem for me? Isn't there a version for those who have another version of win??
    1. ThessianBlue
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Doubt it. It's trend lately to force upgrades. It'll be pain to run modded game under Linux. Original MM for OT supported XP long after it went out of commission.

      One thing I would welcome is option to disable this warning. One time is plenty enough.
  4. DigitalV1ru5
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Playing on steam and using mods completely disables steam overlay, meaning I can't take screenshots, is there a way to fix this or is this just something I gotta live with when modding LE?

    Sorry if this gets asked a lot, this is my first time modding LE.
    1. munchyfly
      • premium
      • 175 kudos
      Never heard of it disabling overlays but I always turn mine off (in every platform) and I don't have the game on Steam so I can't help solve this.

      However, until someone can, you can try the following to take screenshots:

      • OBS
      • ShareX
      • ReShade (You don't need to install filters or anything. You can just use it for taking screenshots.)
      • The NVIDIA overlay allows you to take screenshots if you have an NVIDIA card.

      If your willing to go the extra mile, I can suggest the following paid software:

      • Action! (if you do use this and want to use ReShade, you will need to rename dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll in order to use both.
      • Bandicam (website doesn't want to load for me for some reason but this one works with ReShade without renaming the dll)

      Hope this helps until you get your issue solved.
    2. Mgamerz
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Run the game directly through steam - how I launch it starts with EA and I've noticed on and off over the years that sometimes steam doesn't seem to be started, EA app just runs the game.
    3. DigitalV1ru5
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      I do run it through Steam, and I have the option for Steam Overlay enabled too in the games properties 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
    4. Karlmeister
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same here... tried to launch LE from ME3 and Steam, both cases can't bring Steam Overlay so can't take shots to share pics of my amazing modded stuff :(
    5. ZulTabris
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Same issue.
      Used to work with Origin.
      After being forced to use the new EA app the Steam overlay has been broken ever since.
    6. Vorians
      • premium
      • 381 kudos
      I found that disabling the EA overlay also disabled the Steam overlay. So if you've done that too, try enabling the EA overlay again.
  5. bingo201
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Mods I installed with version 8.2.4  will not be broken when I updated to version 9.0. This will only happen when I try to reinstall?

    Edit. I mean mods for MELE1 that didn't get updated yet to be supported to install with version 9.0.
    1. Mgamerz
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      All mods that were affected have been either hidden from nexus (abandoned) or updated by the developer. There are no more mods that would break if you used Mod Manager 9, as long as you installed the updated versions. This was the list of mods that were affected and their status (at the time of this post):

    2. bingo201
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ok thank you for your answer.
      I appreciate what you and your team are doing to make modding so much easier and simpler for modders to make mods and us gamers to be able to easier install mods :)
  6. OtoshigamiPrime
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So how do I initiate all of the new features/improvements when upgrading to 9.0? Do I have to install all of my mods again with the new mod manager or just launch the games from it.
    1. Mgamerz
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      There should not be anything you need to do. The new features are just part of the app you can start using.
  7. NiteFromWindhelm
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    So wait, the me2 outfit limit is now 32.

    That's amazing!

    Also, will the mod manager auto update as usual? Not currently near my pc to check.
    1. Mgamerz
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      It will automatically update, but only once I update the server manifest for it. Right now 9.0 is soak testing. The update is listed here to get more people to download and test it. This is a really big change so it's going to take more time before I'm ready to migrate existing users to it.
    2. NiteFromWindhelm
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      I see. Can't wait for that update then as I'm not sure how to update from here without losing things.

      This is exciting!
  8. Zipalyssa
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Does anyone know of a way to get this to work on steam LINK? If I launch the game through the launcher, the music plays, all sounds seem to work, I see the cursor but the actual game itself does not display on my TV. The game is running and displaying fine on the actual desktop monitor but not the tv. This was actually an issue I had with skyrim and mo2 as well that I could never figure out. Does anyone know how to get the game to actually display on my TV?
  9. retro1088
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when i try to download the manager, i get a "this file may cause harm to your computer"...never had this before and im a bit dubious about installing it, has anyone ever had this? im sure the file wont release anything bad but the warning put me off for a while
  10. CrithionLoren
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    Heya, is there a way to improve the group editor performance? it seems to freeze when adding too many mods at once into a group, but when checking the json i don't see why it would need to, does the group editor do anything other than setting up a mod order?
    1. Mgamerz
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Performance for it is significantly improved in the new version. It is mostly the UI layout not the computational stuff. And the output json is not really indicative of the work required to build it.
    2. CrithionLoren
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      I think I am on the latest version via the auto updater. i'm talking about perf issues also for just moving entries within it or removing entries, which shouldn't need any additional data? sorry not sure how the app works, just not sure why anything other than mod name, file path, and options are needed for it, i'm guessing a lot of the perf hit is hashing a lot of files to generate the hashes, but is that kind of accuracy needed all the time? might be an area to improve by not always hashing everything, either way, thank you for making this, while flawed, it still feels better as a modding experience than vortex lol
    3. Mgamerz
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      Mod Manager 9 is in private alpha. I personally don't have any performance issues except when I import a new mod which requires the UI to fully reassociate all mods to their batch versions.

      And yes, hashing is very important, or you will save options for the wrong version of a mod, and that wastes a lot of people's time to debug.
  11. NiteFromWindhelm
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    Curious what the 'Breaking Changes' article was about that doesn't exist anymore 
    1. Mgamerz
      • premium
      • 210 kudos
      It's a draft. Won't be up until beta starts.
    2. NiteFromWindhelm
      • premium
      • 111 kudos
      Alright, was just curious 
  12. idunnonothin
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    hi sorry after installing mods, should ME3Tweaks still be running? can the game be launched manually? this app doesn't launch the game:( even tried running it as administrator but still didn't launch the game:(
    1. idunnonothin
      • member
      • 2 kudos
    2. peacekeeperpk87
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      sounds like it isnt linked to the right game directory.
    3. idunnonothin
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      think it is:( it doesn't give any errors:( just the circle thingy appears on mouse pointer and then goes away:( game doesn't launch:(
      after installing a mod, should the main file remain there? or can it be deleted? to free up space?