Mod articles

  • Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) test

    Please ensure you have the latest Legacy update (following any instructions, if listed, in the change log) and the latest Legacy patches installed.  Also, please check the most current entry in the change log for issues being fixed in the next update.  You may find your issue is going to be addressed!  Note: these comments are geared towards v6 but will still apply to v5 for the most part.

    Don't forget to check the Patches FAQ for patch-related issues.

    General Issues:

    The new game takes so long (10 minutes), can I just use a clean save from very early in the game when I want to make changes?
    Do not do that. There is no such thing as an early game "clean save". As soon as you begin a new game, every mod in your load order that has scr...

  • Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

    Please ensure you have the latest Legacy update (following any instructions, if listed, in the change log) and the latest Legacy patches installed.  Also, please check the most current entry in the change log for issues being fixed in the next update.  You may find your issue is going to be addressed!  Note: these comments are geared towards v6 but will still apply to v5 for the most part.

    Don't forget to check the Patches FAQ for patch-related issues.

    General Issues:

    The new game takes so long (10 minutes), I just use a clean save from very early in the game when I want to make changes.
    Do not do that. There is no such thing as an early game "clean save". As soon as you begin a new game, every mod in your load order that has scripts...

  • Compatibility: Incorporated and Conflicting mods

    Incorporated Mods:
    This list of mods are incorporated or assets were contributed to LOTD and SHOULD NOT be installed as their content has already been included with Legacy. Adding these mods in addition to Legacy may cause conflicts and will void any support we can offer.

    *NEW indicates the content has been rolled into v6 as well as the other changes which were already in v5.

    NEW Fossil Mining
    NEW New Treasure Hunt
    NEW Treasure Hunter
    NEW Safehouse Plus
    NEW Rack-O-Matic
    NEW WSkeever fixes have been adopted or reproduced:
     Gemstones redone
     Explorers Dome UV fix
     Exterior museum fixes
     Dwemer compass replacer
    NEW Daedric Face of god by Kanjs

  • Legacy FAQ Archive

    This is a repository for issues previously maintained in the Legacy FAQ for v5 and v6, but have been fixed in the update previous to the current version and are now retired from that page.  It is provided here as a courtesy for "update stragglers" and as an archive for the Legacy team.

    I am starting a new game on the most current version, but I'm getting an error screen about updating to 5.5.3
    (fixed in 6.0.0)
    This is from an earlier version of Legacy and was designed as a safeguard to avoid breaking a quest.  It can be safely ignored and will be fixed in a future update.

    MCM checklist for iron armor has an !error next to the banded iron armor
    (fixed in 6.0.0)
    This is a known error that will not cause issues in your game and be safely ign...

  • Suggested Utilities for Skyrim and Legacy

    There are various Skyrim modding tools that are very useful and will help users with problems they encounter during game play.  From investigation and solving to passing along helpful information to other modders or mod authors, these tools are not necessary for the game to function, but their utility and lack of impact on game/system resources means there is no reason not to install them.  These are broken into two classes: basic and more advanced.  The advanced tool users should have the basic utilities loaded as well.

    Base Recommendations
    SKSE - adds extra scripting capabilities and is used by quite a few mods.  Very robust in spite of it's alpha nomenclature.
    Address Library for SKSE Plugins - makes SKSE mods that have been properly coded agnostic to the ver...

  • Best Practices for Modding and Playing Skyrim

    While modding Skyrim brings a great deal of enjoyment to the game, it is not a quick and simple process.  Time and care are required if you wish to have a properly functioning setup.  That said, following good modding practices will greatly improve the stability of your game (and presumably your enjoyment of it).  Here is a list of best practices.  Please notice, in the interests of brevity, this may require more research on your part for items listed here.

    Where at all possible, install both Steam and Skyrim on a separate internal drive.  If using another internal drive is not possible, install at the root in a new folder (for instance C:\Games\Steam).  Do NOT install either Steam or Skyrim in Program Files or Program Files (x86).  Although Steam will ...

  • Legacy of the Dragonborn Full Guide (required reading)

    Legacy of the Dragonborn Full Guide
    This document is the 'end-all be-all' of Legacy information.  Everything you need to know about mod installation, support, troubleshooting or otherwise is contained within this single doc. All relevant outside information is linked directly in this document for ease of access. All other resources of information found on the Legacy Nexus page or the Discord community will reference this document. You are REQUIRED to read (not skim) through this document prior to seeking any help on the comment page or on the Discord support channels. If the answer to any inquiry is found within this doc or the linked articles, you will be told to read this manual which will be linked EVERYWHERE.

    Important Note for Xbox Users
    All support is provide...

  • What's New in v6

    Legacy V6 is a substantial revamp of the mod more or less from the ground up and, as such, requires a brand new game in order to utilize (even from the beta version to final release). With this warning and disclaimer out of the way, here is a list of what Legacy V6 has to offer:

    Incorporated Mods:

    Fossil Mining
    New Treasure Hunt
    Treasure Hunter
    Safehouse Plus
    Daedric Face of god by Kanjs
    Daedric Crescent by Kanjs
    rolled in TheNoobyDuelist’s typo patch

    New or Changed Models/Items:

    Chrysamere by Ronnie Magnum.
    Hammer of Stendarr by Ronnie Magnum.
    Cleaver of St Felms by Ronnie Magnum.
    Aedrasorn by Ronnie Magnum.
    Ancient Shrouded Armor by MANHUNTER69.

  • Credits Listing

    The following authors have contributed use of their content in various capacities for use in Legacy of the Dragonborn. Thanks so much for their
    contributions. If you spot something in the mod that doesn't seem to be credited properly, please let me know via PM and I'll correct it. Some citations could have slipped through the cracks given the scope of this mod, so give me the benefit of the doubt.

    Adabala building system by varlaisaran
    Additional artwork provided by Wallcus
    Ancient Shrouded Armor by MANHUNTER69
    Armor Skeleton model (ysmir) by Lifestorock
    Armorstand by insanitySorrow
    Artifacts by RonnieMagnum
    Astrolabe by Stanisław Ogarek used under CC license
    Ayleid Clutter by InsanitySorrow
    Bellyaches New Dragon ...