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Dank Rafft

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About this mod

Legendary crafting, balance improvements, better descriptions, and more. Also comes with an assortment of balanced custom effects.

Permissions and credits

  • One of the primary goals of this mod is to maintain the vanilla experience and loot economy for the most part but offer some convenience and balance improvements.
  • Replace legendary effects on items that already come with at least one effect attached. Crafting from scratch on standard items isn't allowed and you also can't transfer the effects.
  • Craft assorted new/custom legendary effects or acquire them naturally via drops - they got added to the legendary loot pool. They are balanced around the vanilla alternatives so that you don't end up with lots of power creep.
  • Resource cost for the recipes increase with each tier, from tier 1 to tier 3. But even the tier 1 ones are quite expensive. This is to have a resource sink, make you think twice about an investment, and also make this mod not invalidate the original intended looting game.
  • In order to get access to the recipes you have to research 6 new expensive projects found in Research Labs, one project for each legendary tier, both on armour and weapons.
  • There are no crafting restrictions like it is the case with legendary effect drops. Legendary drops follow specific rules which control what effects are included or excluded from certain drops , e.g. limiting the O2 effects to backpacks and helmets. This isn't the case with LEO. You could theoretically apply an helmet-exclusive mod to a spacesuit.
  • Many vanilla legendary effects got rebalanced to bring their overall power level in line with each other to some degree. Most of the time the underperforming effects are pushed towards the more use-/powerful alternatives.
  • Improved effect descriptions on item cards by rephrasing things to make them more clear and add a couple of important details.
  • Even more details on an effect's workings can be found in crafting workbenches as descriptions to the new recipes. These additional details are exclusive to recipes found in workbenches due to the length of the descriptions.
  • Some bug fixes!

If you want to learn about every single detail of the legendary effect changes please refer to the Changelogs drop-down menu above. The paragraph on version 1.0.0 lists all individual effect changes made to the original legendary effects either for bug fixing or rebalancing reasons. Other more recent changes that got added via mod updates are covered by the Changelogs as well.

The files are bundled so that they can be easily installed via mod manager. Tested and found working with Vortex. Other mod managers might work as well but I haven't tested them.

If you intend to install the files manually feel free to do so but be aware that I won't provide any assistance/support in this instance. Simply drop the Data folder contained in the archive you downloaded into your game's root folder.

As of writing this page the game doesn't officially support loading of Bethesda game plugins (ESM, ESP, ESL, etc.). Therefore we have to use another mod in order to enable that functionality, namely Plugins.txt Enabler. This is how it is used to make it load this mod:
  • Download, install and set up Plugins.txt Enabler as explained on its mod page.
  • Download and install this mod as explained above, preferably via mod manager.
  • Open the file "Plugins.txt" you created in the first step with any text editor and add the following as a new line to the bottom of its content:
  • Save and close the file. Done.

This mod modifies all sorts of vanilla records associated with legendary effects. This includes but is not limited to the following form types:
  • Form List [FLST]
  • Keyword [KYWD]
  • Legendary Item [LGDI]
  • Magic Effect [MGEF]
  • Object Effect [ENCH]
  • Object Modification [OMOD]
  • Perk [PERK]

Any mod that also tries to modify the same forms will conflict with LEO. Thus, ideally don't pair LEO with other mods that modify the vanilla legendary effects and related forms as well, unless you're willing to create a compatibility patch.

Does this mod disable achievements?
Yes, it does. You can use one of the following mods to work around that: Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE), Achievement Enabler, Starfield Achievement Enabler

Why is this an ESM plugin instead of an ESP/ESL one like in previous Bethesda titles?
The answer to that question can be found in this paragraph from the official documentation for SF1Edit. Any mod using another format than ESM should be treated with extreme caution since those were hacked together with tools not meant to be used for Starfield.

May I enable the plugin via the sTestFileX command in the game's INI?
You could but I advise against doing so because that method has the potential to cause a lot of problems in the long run and is considered bad practice at this point. More on that here.

Why does Starfield LEO differ so much from Fallout 4 LEO? Will you add the other missing features?
First of all, Starfield modding is in its infancy and this is just an early release I worked on as a side-project to ECO. Also Starfield might be similar in some aspects but there are more than enough differences on an engine level to render some of Fallout 4 LEO's features useless. Creating alternatives takes time. Thus I decided to release a version that comes with the basics fully functional until then.
I might add additional features depending on feedback and personal interest later on. Feel free to request additions related to legendary effects.

Can I update this mod mid-playthrough?
Yes, updates in a running play-through are possible and recommended unless the changelog specifically says otherwise. So, for your own good, form a habit of reading Patch Notes / Change Logs before updating any mod. That saves you from a lot of trouble in the long term.

How do I update this mod?
The same way as any other mod. Your mod manager (usually Vortex or Mod Organizer 2) can update mods automatically. In addition to that make sure to read the changelog before you update this mod. In some rare cases updates in an already running play-through should be done with caution. There is a warning in the changelog when that case applies.
If you're managing your mods manually then simply override the files of previous version with the new ones but I won't provide any support in that case.

Are there patches and expansions available, and if so, where can I find them?
Click on the Requirements drop-down menu above. Under the "Mods requiring this file" section you can find all sorts of mod pages with patches and expansions if there are any.
