Nexus Mods

creating a Mod Author Donation Fund

  • 923 members
  • $532.4/month

As of 2023, Nexus Mods remains one of the largest video game mod sites in the world. We have a community of over 44 million members and host over 500,000 mods and utilities for more than 2,500 games.

This Patreon page isn't about us, however, it's about giving back to all the mod authors of our community. In May, 2018 we announced our Donation Points system. Each month, Nexus Mods has committed to donating $6,000 - $10,000 from our own funds towards a donation pool for mod authors to benefit from.

If you'd like to read more about the Donation Points system please read our launch news post and our FAQs section. We have setup this donation page to crowdfund a supplement to our donation pool so that our site users can also contribute to the monthly donation pool. Thus, whatever you, the users, raise on Patreon each month will go towards the next month's mod author Donation Points pool, on top of what Nexus Mods is already putting into the pool that month.

We're keeping it simple. One Tier - One Purpose! Pledges go from you straight to our modding community and every penny you donate (except for Patreon and PayPal processing fees) will go towards the Donation Pool for mod authors.

We are a site built by modders, for modders, with the sole focus of providing the best support we can for our modding community of various video games. If you're a regular user of mods on Nexus Mods and would like to give something back to the mod authors who provide all their work free of charge, this is a great way to do it!

Any amount helps the mod author community and our one and only tier is open-ended starting from as little as $1.

Why give donations to mod authors? Mod authors are people like you and me who share our love for games. They spend hours upon hours working on mods for various video games, from Skyrim and Stardew Valley, to The Witcher and BattleTech. They do it because for them it is a passion. Mods are a labour of love.

Authors on Nexus Mods take the time to share their creations with the rest of our community so that others can benefit from what they make. Often, mod authors will provide extensive support for their mods, share their knowledge with other budding mod authors, and help us all in fostering the very community spirit we have come to enjoy.

Donating to authors is a way for all of us to show appreciation and to give back.

"If you're looking for a way to support not just one mod, not just certain mod authors, or mods for a specific game, but the idea of modding and the community – both authors and users – in general, raising the amount in the Nexus Donation Pool with your monthly patronage is the closest to the best possible solution you can find on the internet."CDante

“For many mod authors, like myself, modding is more than just a creative outlet - it's a way to give enjoyment to others. I've spent thousands of hours creating mods - and donations are certainly one way I understand the extent my work is valued by the millions of players who use it. The greatest joy that comes with creating mods is knowing that you have brought joy to others.” - hothtrooper44

“I don't create mods just for myself, but for others to enjoy. I think for many mod authors it's the same. Out of the hundreds of thousands of players who recognize that something is broken, missing, or wrong, a few offer their time to fix, add, or change it. For me, that's just a nice thing to do - otherwise I wouldn't do it. Showing appreciation in form of a donation is an equally nice thing to do, and it let's me know that I'm doing something right.” - schlangster

"Receiving donations makes me feel appreciated for the time invested in making mods. It's one of those hard to describe warm fuzzy feelings you get when people think it's worth enough to them to send you a few bucks as thanks."Arthmoor


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