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  • Recommendations: Quality of Life Mods

    IntroductionThere are a number of issues within Kenshi, many of which are just how certain mechanics are coded that cause gameplay to be more frustrating than sometimes needed. In order to help promote some of the good work I have come across, I decided it would be best to create a guide for what mods I can recommend to run alongside the UPK, and how they should be installed based on what info I do have.

    Before modding Kenshi, read the following article:

    Why load order matters and other FAQ about using mods
    Proper Load Order & You by Atlas

    Consider the links above as required reading before modding the game. Failing to do so may result in frequent crashes and poor optimization for gameplay. This is especially true if you plan on using m...

  • New Subrace - Hiver Scout

    I'm starting to do modding and modeling for Kenshi, this mod adds a subrace for the Hive Scout Swarm, because I believe that subraces should be more unique in appearance than just a change of skin color. I was inspired by the art from Genesis, and in the future I plan to do everything that is on the art itself. The subrace is playable, and representatives also live in the cities of the UC and the Border zone. Since I'm just starting out, the face is not changeable and there may be joints in general. ...

  • Attractive Female Character - Leigh

    Here's a female you can start the game as and she looks ok...

  • I hope you like it.

    It is a very simle mod that takes up almot no apace....

  • New mod

    I hope you like it, I will update it over time.
    Espero que os guste lo iré actualizando con el tiempo...

  • Recommendations: Bugfix Mods

    IntroductionWhile the Unofficial Patches for Kenshi targets a number of in-game issues, there are still many bugs within the game. Plenty of mods attempt to address these issues in their own ways, many of which are not utilized by the UPK for various reasons. In order to help promote some of the good work I have come across, I decided it would be best to create a guide for what mods I can recommend to run alongside the UPK, and how they should be installed based on what info I do have.

    Before modding Kenshi, read the following article:

    Why load order matters and other FAQ about using mods
    Proper Load Order & You by Atlas
    Fix Missing NPCs (Like Armour King & Phoenix)

    Consider the links above as required reading before modding t...

  • Noble Hunter Wear Footwear Now

    Simple mod that add Wooden Sandals to Noble Hunter because they did not wear it on vanilla, which is weird.

    its a roaming squad, no need to import the game

    Dont forget to leave thumbs up and subscribe!! have a good one....

  • Recommendations: Performance Improvement Mods

    IntroductionThere are other mods out there that likely will also improve performance drastically. However, I have found many of these mods work by doing things such as cutting down on foliage or removing pieces of terrain in order to work. This guide specifically tries to target many of the issues that plague Kenshi's unstable engine without changing the way the game looks. Please check back regularly, I will try to keep this article up-to-date as this is a continuously improving process.

    Before modding Kenshi, read the following articles:

    SCARaw's Performance Optimization Guide
    Why load order matters and other FAQ about using mods
    Proper Load Order & You by Atlas

    Consider the links above as required reading before modding the gam...

  • UPK: Frequently Asked Questions

    How safe is it to install/uninstall these modules mid-gameplay?
    Mods, when installed/uninstalled mid-game always modify data, and therefore run a risk of damaging and potentially corrupting saved gameplay. Kenshi's capability to import saves after mods are added and/or removed will fix several of these issues, but there is no guarantee it will fix everything. Because of this, I highly recommend always testing mods using a brand new game start, or at the very least back up your save game file before installing/uninstalling any mod.

    Is the UPK/EN compatible with X mod?
    Unless I have checked previously, I have no way of knowing if something is compatible or not. Feel free to let me know, in detail, if you've found an incompatibility somewhere with another mod, I ...

  • Star Wars: Vehicles Expanded

    This mod adds the usage of vehicles in Kenshi as well as 4 new game starts. We have included spawns, functional bounty hunters, mercenaries, traders and thugs using vehicles, as well as Vehicle Factories. This mod requires the Project Kathun mod.

    ***Vehicles can carry any other NPC, one per vehicle.!!!

    --List of Vehicles--
    Landspeeder (Blue-white)
    Landspeeder (White-blue)
    Landspeeder (Green)
    Landspeeder (Red-dark)
    Landspeeder (Red-light)
    Landspeeder (Black)
    YT-1300 (White)
    YT-1300 (Red)
    YT-1300 (Blue)
    YT-1300 (Yellow)
    YT-1300 (Imperial)
    YT-1300 (Millenium Falcon, White)

    Lando Calrissian
    Anakin Solo
    Jaina Solo Fel
    Jacen Solo (Darth Caedus)

  • Game Rules

    Blind Black Jack
    Each player is trying to make 21 on as many of their blind cards they can. They are dealt four cards backside up on the table and five cards on their hand. When it is their turn, they turn any card right side up on their side and try to match a card or more than one card from their hand to make 21 on the opened card.

    The hand gets a refill after each turn, but the table cards are only changed after all four blind cards on each player side are used. The winner of the round is decided after both players have used their table cards. The Blind Jack is the mere impossibility of getting four times 21=84, this usually means they cheated.
    If none get exact 84, the one closest to 84 points wins. Be it over or under.

    Once a blind card is catered t...

  • The Mandalorian Description

    * The Mandalorians are located in the "Mandalorian Outpost" (old Outcast Research Outpost) in the Eye.
    * Added a new faction "The Mandalorians", replacing the original Outcasts from Project Kathun.
    * Mandalorian families, Guards and gate guards have their own Mandalorian-coloured armor.
    * Armors and stats are balanced for each mandalorian character
    * Unique bodies for each canonical character
    * Weapons and Armor are selected to resemble the Mandalorian TV series
    * Stats and Armor are balanced for each character according to imporance
    * You can trade with The Armorer

    * Four new game starts:
    1. The Mandalorian (Din Djarin): Starting with 2000 cat. at Sho-Battai. The squad starts at Sho-Battai, with Mando, Cara Dune, Cobb Vanth and ...

  • Project Kathun HQ Starts Description

    * Project Kathun (Star Wars Kenshi mod) Faction HQ starts with original squads with their own unique leaders
    * All faction descriptions from official kenshi fandom wiki. Also whether the faction is a squad or has available leaders.
    * A reasonable amount of cats for each faction depending on Faction category and activities, also balancing gameplay.
    * Factions relations recreated from official kenshi fandom wiki. This works with vanilla and any mod.
    * All NPCs retain its main AI and jobs. When your characters are not active (no jobs assigned), they'll do the job they are supposed to do.
    * All events and quests, as well as alive / death conditions apply for your leaders, as they are unique in the game.
    * Race-dependent factions are bounded on races on chara...

  • The Force Description

    New characters:

    Jedi Order

    Luke Skywalker (episode 6)
    Qui-Gon Jin
    Mace Windu
    Ahsoka Tano
    Kit Fisto

    Sith Lords & Galactic Empire

    Darth Vader
    Emperor Palpatine
    Kylo Ren
    Grand Moff Tarkin
    Savage Opress
    Darth Maul

    Rebel Alliance

    Leia Organa
    Admiral Ackbar

    Bounty Hunters (solo)

    Han Solo

    Game starts:

    Star Wars: The Jedi Order -> starting with 75.000 cat. at the Jedi Hideaway. Composed by the whole Jedi Order.
    Star Wars: The Sith Lords -> starting with 150.000 cat. at Heng. Composed by all Sith Lords.
    Star Wars: T...

  • Faction HQ Starts: Features

    * 58 Faction HQ squads with unique leaders are included
    * All faction descriptions from official kenshi fandom wiki. Also whether the faction is a squad or has available leaders.
    * A reasonable amount of cats for each faction depending on Faction category and activities, also balancing gameplay.
    * Factions relations recreated from official kenshi fandom wiki. This works with vanilla and any mod.
    * All NPCs retain its main AI and jobs. When your characters are not active (no jobs assigned), they'll do the job they are supposed to do.
    * All events and quests, as well as alive / death conditions apply for your leaders, as they are unique in the game.
    * Race-dependent factions are bounded on races on character selection to retain the lore realism. Say, the ...

  • Star Wars Desert Tribes (Jawa and Tusken)

    This mod adds "Tusken" and "Jawa" races in the world of Kenshi. These races will replace the current NPCs for Dust Bandits (Tusken) and Nomads (Jawa Nomads). This mod uses weapons and items from Project Kathun, although skins, faction changes and game start are standalone.

    - 2 New starts added "Jawa Nomad Trader" and "Tusken Raider". The Tusken Raider will start alone with a Tusken Baton and Rifle on the Dust King Tower while the Jawa Nomad Trader will start with a Garru and a R5 Unit Droid.
    - Weapons: Tuskens use "Tusken Rifle" and "Tusken Sniper Rifle", while Jawas use the "Jawa ion pistol"
    - In the "Tusken Raiders" faction there are "Tusken Raiders" (brown longcoat), "Tusken Marksman" (white cloak) and "Tusken Warrior" (grey dustcoat).
    - In the "Jawa Nomads...

  • Install

    This panel is very big, is huuuge, is GIGANTIC!!! No more=) This panel now just... gone=)
    How to install:
    1: unzip downloaded file
    2: go to Kenshi/Data/gui/layout/
    3: find original file "Kenshi_MainPanel.layout" and copy this original file to safe place
    4: take downloaded unzipped file with same name to "layout" folder.
    5: ???
    7: Play
    8: Enjoy
    9: Brush your teeth=)...

  • Alcohol and more for belt RUS

    Мод с некоторым юмором. Баланс не нарушается совсем. Разве что можно кактус в "штаны" подкинуть поверженному врагу, чтобы он не так быстро догонял, когда встанет, но там немного атлетика уменьшается совсем, да и предмет больше шуточный, но если вас не устраивает эта шутка - она вам не помешает. Она просто иногда будет попадаться у нового торговца и только. Всего вроде 15 предметов. Все их продаёт Сумасшедший Скелет на базе мятежников неда�...

  • Thank you

    Thank you guys for your time, it's a tricky mod and experiments with hardcoded stuff so I was pretty much limitated. Any help on how to make the island a nice, good-looking island is much appreciated.

    For bugs or requeriments you can comment here if you want or start a new topic.

    Thank you again :)

    - The creator...

  • UPK: Compatibility and Troubleshooting

    Load Order
    Currently sorting your load order manually is the recommended way for organizing your mod load order. Atlas's guide, Proper Load Order & You. is the most up-to-date and accurate method for organizing your mod list. Once you have your mod list sorted, backup your mods.cfg file (located in the data folder of your Kenshi game installation), as that is what keeps your load order organized.

    The Unofficial Patches for Kenshi (UPK) is intended to correct issues in vanilla gameplay, and therefore follows the Overwrite Rule as outlined in Atlas's guide. You will want to load this mod near the top of your load order, likely the last to be loaded under , and let it be overwritten by other mods.

    For the language module, the Unofficial Patches for Kenshi ...