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  • Faction Variants - Vanguard Industries

    Vanguard Industries

    Preferred Equipment
    Rapid Fire Autocannons
    Rotary Autocannons
    Short Range Missiles
    Ultra Autocannons

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents (Very Rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (Very Rare) - Common mechs only.


    Commando COM-VIA - intro 3015, Common
    SRM6, SRM4, 2 M Laser
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype

    Commando COM-VIB - intro 3040, Rare
    SRM4, 2 SSRM2, 2 M Laser
    DHS, Endo, XL Engine
    Requirements: DLC1

    Spider SDR-VIA - intro 3015, Uncommon
    SRM4, M Laser, MG
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype, Pirate Engine
    2 Jumpjets

    Firestarter FS9-VIA - intro 3035, Unc...

  • Faction Variants - Ironclad Systems

    Ironclad Systems

    Preferred Equipment
    Chem Lasers

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents/Periphery (Very Rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (Very Rare) - Common mechs only.


    Locust LCT-IC1 - intro 3015, Common
    4 S Chem Laser, 2 Rocket 10
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype
    Requirements: DLC1

    Locust LCT-IC2 - intro 3035, Uncommon
    4 S Chem Laser, 4 Rocket 10
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine
    Requirements: DLC1

    Commando COM-IC1 - intro 3015, Common
    2 M Chem Laser, 2 Rocket 15, Rocket 10
    Ferro Prototype
    Requirements: DLC1

    Commando COM-IC2 - intro 3035, Uncommon
    SRM4, 4 M ...

  • Status on BattleTech - Beyond 3015

    This is just a quick status update on the future for this mod. Originally my plan was to finish updating YARW after my hiatus from modding, then update BattleTech - Beyond 3015 (BB-3015). However, this will no longer be the case due to technical issues. I can't simply "update" BB-3015 without making a bunch of temporary changes that make it an absolute pain to swap the editor plugins back and forth. Basically, it's too out of date compared to YARW and they are both derived from the YAW/YAWC plugins. Because of this, this mod will go one priority lower than YARQE in terms of updating, as I need to re-build this mod from the current YARW build. 

    I do apologize for the extended wait time on an update as I'm aware of any current issues it has at this time. No ETA on a new updat...

  • Faction Variants - Triple F Restaurants

    Triple F Restaurants

    Preferred Equipment
    Inferno SRMs

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents (Very Rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (Very Rare) - Common mechs only.


    Flea FLE-1FFF - intro 3035, Uncommon
    2 SRM2 Inferno, 4 S Laser
    Arena Supercharger
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine
    Requirements: DLC6

    Locust LCT-1FFF - intro 30315, Common
    2 SRM2 Inferno, 2 MG
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype, Pirate Engine

    Locust LCT-2FFF - intro 3035, Uncommon
    2 SRM4 Inferno, M Laser
    Arena Supercharger
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine
    Requirements: DLC6

    Urbanmech UM-1FFF - intro 3015, Common
    SRM6 ...

  • Faction Variants - Earthwerks


    Preferred Equipment
    Plasma Rifles
    Magpulse SRMs

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents (Very Rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (Very Rare) - Common mechs only.


    Flea FLE-EW1 - intro 3015, Common
    2 M Laser, 2 S Laser
    Black Market ECM
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype
    Requirements: DLC6

    Flea FLE-EW2 - intro 3049, Rare
    4 SP Laser
    Guardian ECM
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine
    Requirements: DLC1

    Urbanmech UM-EW1 - intro 3015, Common
    SRM6, 2 M Laser
    Black Market ECM
    2 Jumpjets
    Requirements: DLC6

    Urbanmech UM-EW2 - intro 3040, Uncommon

  • Initial release

    After a few months of work, I finished it! A MW5 mod manager for Linux!...

  • Update on YARW's status along with other mods by LittleTex.

    I apologize for the hiatus and not staying up to date with comments or bug reports for my various mod projects. Long story short, unexpected IRL things have kept me busy, but I do intend on updating my mods where I left off. Minimal time has been devoted on updating mods this last month, but I plan on ramping this up significantly. That said, IRL things will still keep me busy so no ETA on new mod releases/updates. Anyways, I appreciate y'all that have been patient and understanding.

    Below is my modding priorities moving forward, but it's not set in stone so use it as a rough reference. 

    - Finish changes with YARW and release 3.0 Beta/Full release. 
    - Bug fixes/minor update for BattleTech Beyond 3015, then possibly other mods.
    - Major u...

  • Faction Variants - Starfall Corporation


    Preferred Equipment
    Short-range Missiles
    Medium-range Missiles
    Long-range Missiles
    Streak SRMs
    Artemis FCS

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents (Very Rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (Very Rare) - Common, Uncommon & Rare mechs only.


    Locust LCT-SF1 - intro 3015, Common
    2 LRM5-ST, S Laser
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype

    Locust LCT-SF2 - intro 3049, Uncommon
    4 SSRM2
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine

    Javelin JVN-SF1 - intro 3015, Common
    2 LRM5-ST, 2 SRM4
    Ferro Prototype, Pirate Engine

    Javelin JVN-SF2 - intro 3040, Uncommon
    2 LRM5-ST, 4 SSRM2, AMS
    Endo, Ferro,...

  • 0.9 Full Change Notes

    Version 0.9
    Zeus X - ZEU-X, ZEU-X2, ZEU-X3, ZEU-X4, ZEU-X9WD2"Stacy II"(hero), ZEU-X9WD "Stacy" (hero)
    Defiance - DFN-3C, DFN-3S, DFN-3T, DFN-4C, DFN-4T, DFN-6X (Hero)
    Von Rohrs(Loadouts now done)
    Pack Hunter - PH-1, PH-2, PH-3, PH-4, PH-5, PH-Kodama(Hero)
    Mongoose III(custom) - MON-III-366GX(Hero), MON-III-366, MON-III-367, MON-III-368, MON-III-369
    Galahad - GLH-1D, GLH-2D, GLH-3D, GLH-3DL, GLH-4D, GLH-4X
    Beowulf - BEO-12, BEO-12GX "Grendel"(Hero), BEO-13, BEO-14, BEO-14GX(Hero), BEO-7A
    Minsk - MNK-101, MNK-102, MNK-103, MNK-104, MNK-105, MNK-106X(hero), MNK-107X(hero)
    Super Wasp - SWSP-2AX, SWSP-3AX, SWSP-4AX, SWSP-5AX, SWSP-6AX, SWSP-6GX **Done** -C...

  • Faction Variants - Novatech


    Preferred Equipment
    Binary Lasers
    Pulse Lasers

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents (Very Rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (Very Rare) - Common, Uncommon & Rare mechs only.


    Flea FLE-NVA - intro 3025, Uncommon
    4 M Laser

    Flea FLE-NVB - intro 3049, Rare
    2 MP Laser, 4 S Laser
    DHS, Endo, Ferro, XL Engine

    Javelin JVN-NVA - intro 3015, Common
    2 M Laser, 4 S Laser

    Javelin JVN-NVB - intro 3043, Rare
    9 M Laser
    DHS, Endo, XL Engine

    Jenner JR7-NVA - intro 3025, Uncommon
    6 M Laser
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype, Pirate Engine

    Wolfhound WLF-NVA - int...

  • Faction Variants - High Impact Ballistics


    Preferred Equipment
    Burst-Fire Rifles
    Gauss Rifles
    Machine Guns

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents (very rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (very rare)


    Flea FLE-H1B - intro 3035, Rare
    2 Light Rifle-BF, 2 M Laser
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine

    Locust LCT-H1B - intro 3015, Common
    6 MG
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype

    Locust LCT-H2B - intro 3035, Uncommon
    Light Rifle-BF,  M Laser
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine

    Urbanmech UM-H1B - intro 3015, Uncommon
    Heavy Rifle-BF, 2 M Laser, 3 MG
    Endo Prototype

    Urbanmech UM-H2B - intro 3035, Rare
    2 Medium Rifle-BF, 2 M Laser...

  • Faction Variants - Musclebound Myomer


    Preferred Equipment
    Arena Fists
    Small Lasers
    Triple-strength Myomer

    Alternate Spawns
    Independents (very rare) - Common & Uncommon mechs only.
    Other Solaris Sponsors (very rare)


    Flea FLE-MBM - intro 3055, Rare
    2 M Laser, 2 MG, 2 S Laser, Flamer
    Endo, XL Engine

    Locust LCT-MBM - intro 3035, Rare
    2 M Laser, 2 MG
    Endo Prototype, Ferro Prototype

    Javelin JVN-MBM1 - intro 3015, Uncommon
    4 Rocket 10, 2 Arena Fist

    Javelin JVN-MBM2 - intro 3049, Uncommon
    4 SSRM2, 2 Arena Fist
    Endo, Ferro, XL Engine

    Jenner JR7-MBM - intro 3055, Rare
    6 M ...

  • Faction Variants - Black Inferno


    Preferred Equipment
    Rapid-fire Autocannons
    Inferno LRMs
    Inferno SRMs
    Heavy Flamers
    Ferro-fibrous Armour
    Guardian ECM

    Alternate Spawns
    Outlaws (very rare) - mechs that have Guardian ECM won't spawn for Outlaws.
    Comstar (very rare)


    Locust LCT-1NF - intro 3015, Uncommon
      2 LRM-5 Inferno, M Laser

    Commando COM-1NF - intro 3027, Uncommon
      2 SRM-6 Inferno, M Laser, Flamer

    Javelin JVN-1NF - intro 3015, Uncommon
      2 SRM-6 Inferno

    Spider SDR-1NF - intro 3015, Rare
      M Laser, Flamer
      Guardian ECM

    Firestarter FS9-1NF - intro 3015, Uncommon <...

  • Version 0.8.3 Changelog

    New Stuff:
    Helepolis Variants: Helepolis-5X, Helepolis-6X
    Helepolis Solaris Variants: Helepolis-1SL, Helepolis-2SL, Helepolis-3SL, Helepolis-4SL(hero), Helepolis-6SL(hero), Helepolis- 5SL(hero)
    Helepolis Melee Support: Now has access to Melee weapons.
    Helepolis Weapon Visuals: Given custom Ballistic and Energy barrels on the right arm
    Mongoose II: Given new melee weapon(Blade), Blades, Lances and Swords now have proper models
    Mongoose III: Given new melee weapon(Blade), Blades, Lances and Swords now have proper models
    Nyx: Blade weapon
    NYX Variants: NX-23L, NX24L

    Wyvern IIC - 6 Variants
    Von Rohrs - 6 Variants
    Galahad - 6 Variants
    Zeus-X - 6 Variants
    Minsk - 6 Variant
    Defiance - 6 Variants...

  • Version 0.8.2 Changelog

    Version 0.8.2

    New Mechs: Beowulf  Pack Hunter

    Rerig - Mackie Rerigged and given further detail to make it look less chessy. PP lasers restored, additional hardpoints added to all mackie variants for customization(doesnt affect stock loadouts)

    News Entries:Mackie, Beowulf, Packhunter

    Hero Mech update:Hero mechs now take advantage of the new spawn rules for the DLC6 hero mechs and will appear both on the market and in combat as rare spawns.

    Clan Mech Intro Dates: These have been set to their proper date, but now ONLY appear in the hands of clanners. Mod Requires "the Known universe" follow the instructions on its modpage.

    Bug Fixes:Overweight/underweight
    Nyx 100/110 loadouts
    MON-III-366, MON-III-366GX

  • Version 0.8.1 Changelog

    Mongoose III + 5 variants

    Bux Fixes:
    Anubis First Person Cockpit
    Salamander Descriptions added
    Eisenfaust skins not showing
    Talos Melee availability
    Lancelot First Person Cockpit

  • Version 0.8 Changelog(Posted in advance of the patch being released next week)

    New mech chassis:
    Wyvern( i have the arm backwards and im leaving it as is)
    Clint IIC
    Mongoose C
    Mongoose II
    Assassin II(Mektek)
    Catapult IIC(OMNI)
    New Jagermech III hero

    Royal New Cape Town Training Battalion
    Quintus Olympian Groundpounders
    Centauri Lancers, 21st
    Canopian Cuirassiers 3rd
    Canopian Cuirassiers 1st
    Aurigan Royal Guard Coalition
    Royal Black Watch Regiment
    Canopian Highlanders
    2nd Cavaliers Royal Division

    Bug fixes:
    Talos melee slot size(uses heavy weapon appearances but medium  damages due to animation limitations)

  • Update 0.9 Pre warning

    Wanted to give everyone a headsup for version 0.9 as two big things are happening that may effect the mechs you have in your garage.

    The First: the mongoose(Normal) is being renamed and retagged to fix a conflict with LBMV for those who want to run both mods so that our mechs stop overriding each other. This *will* make those mechs vanish from your mechlabs.

    The second: The Catapult II is being entirely redone due to an issue i ran into when trying to place the first person cockpit. The mech is just to large for the rig i used and unable to support the first person cockpit in the location i want it to. The names should stay the same but if they dont the mechs will vanish from your mechlabs....

  • Citrus Pilot Addon

    Citrus Pilot Addon

    - Adds over 230 pilots to the game.
    - Pilot Portrait Overhaul Compatibility.
    - Should be compatible with all other addons.

    Game Version Tested:
    Version 1.1.355

    Any resemblance to persons real or fictional are purely coincidental and unintended. This is a parody provided for entertainment purposes....

  • Fixing old stuff

    Not packed properly, fixed...