Fallout 3/NV non-replacer textures for beginners

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This tutorial can be applied to either Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas. All of these videos are available for download on the Nexus at this page.

Fallout 3 textures 1: An easy intro

The following video assumes knowledge of unpacking BSA files, but it gets covered in a later video. It is an extremely basic tutorial, you will need to have installed GIMP and it's plugins that will allow you to edit .dds files which you can find out about here.

Fallout 3 Textures 1: An easy intro on youtube.

Fallout 3 textures 2: implementing into the GECK

Again, this video assumes the same as the last.

Fallout 3 textures 2: Implementing into the GECK on youtube.

Fallout 3 textures supplemental 1: Resources

This video simply explains how to get files out of the BSA archives using FOMM, if you do not have FOMM, get it here.

Fallout 3 texture supplemental 1: Resources on youtube.

Fallout 3 textures 3: Bringing it to life part 1 and 2

This is a two part video, and it brings the previously mentioned things together, resulting in the new object being in the game.

Fallout 3 textures 3: Bringing it together part 1 on youtube, part 2.

Fallout 3 textures supplemental 2: Troubleshooting

This explains one very common mistake that new modders have when working with textures, or just those installing mods for the first time, as well as another that I really haven't seen covered yet when it comes to editing.

Fallout 3 textures supplemental 2: Troubleshooting on youtube.

Fallout 3 textures 4: Some tools

In this vid, I go over some of the tools I typically use when editing.

Fallout 3 textures 4: Some tools

Fallout 3 textures detail recovery

In this vid I cover recovering some of the detail from the original if you want to.

Fallout 3 textures detail recovery on youtube.

Fallout 3 textures bringing them together

Just a neat time lapse that shows me using all of the methods from the previous tutorials here.

Fallout3 textures: Bringing them together on youtube.


Any and all information I used beyond asking someone politely can be found in this forum thread on the Nexus forums.