Modding Monster Hunter: World with Vortex

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Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World is an action-adventure video game developed by Capcom.

Released: 2018

Genre: RPG

Engine: Custom

Nexus Mods

 This guide is designed to help you set up Vortex to install and manage mods for Monster Hunter: World.



Before we get started, this guide assumes that you have installed Monster Hunter: World and Vortex at their default locations. You will also need to be logged in to your Nexus Mods account in Vortex. Other than that, you will need to quickly set up Vortex and download and install Stracker's Loader. The following guide will walk you through all the necessary steps.



Getting Set Up

To begin, open up Vortex and navigate to the games section. If you don’t already see Monster Hunter: World under the “Managed” tab, check the “Discovered” section. Use the “Manage” button on the game tile to add it to your managed games.


If you can’t see Monster Hunter: World, you can scan for it or define it manually.



Requirement: Stracker's Loader

VortexLogoSmall.png This content applies to Vortex 1.2.0 and above.

The first time you activate support for Monster Hunter: World, Vortex will inform you of an external requirement: Stracker's Loader. Simply click on the button that says "Go to Stracker's Loader mod page" to download the tool on its Nexus Mods mod page.


On the mod page, click the Vortex button to download Stracker's Loader via Vortex:


After the download is finished, you will see a notification in the top right corner prompting you to install Stracker's Loader. Click the "Install button" to proceed.

Once the installation is complete (which should only take a few seconds) Vortex will raise 2 more notifications in the top right corner asking you whether you want to enable (and deploy) the newly installed mod (Stracker's Loader). Clicking "Enable" will both enable and deploy Stracker's Loader clearing the two notifications (unless you have disabled automatic deployment in your Vortex settings, in which case you still need to click "Deploy" on the other notification).


For Vortex version 1.1.15 or lower

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are using Vortex 1.1.15 or lower, you now need to manually change the "modtype" of Stracker's Loader to "dinput" and deploy again.

  1. After installing and enabling Stracker's Loader, double click it to bring up the mod details panel on the right.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and on the Mod Type dropdown, select dinput
  3. On the mods toolbar, click "Deploy Mods" to ensure your changes are applied.



With Stracker's Loader and Vortex all set up, you are now ready to install Monster Hunter: World mods.


My mod does not work/is not recognised by the game. Why is that?

Monster Hunter: World is a game that is still actively supported by the developers (Capcom). While this is good because new content is added on an almost monthly basis, this also means that the essential tool "Stracker's Loader" needs to be tweaked each time the game is updated. Please ensure that your version of Stracker's Loader is up to date and allow for some time for the author of the loader to make necessary changes after each game update.


I'm getting a security prompt each time I install a mod, can I stop that?

Depending on your settings, Vortex may select "Symlink Deployment (Run as Administrator)" as the default deployment methos. This is perfectly fine to use but will require you to accept a security prompt from Windows each time you deploy or change your mods.

To avoid this, you may want to go to Settings > Mods and change the deployment method to "Hardlink deployment", then click "Apply". This will require one final security prompt to save the change.

See also: Deployment Methods