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  • Import Vault Fixes: Mod Compatibility and Files Modified

    Mod Compatibility:

    Other Fix Mods:

    This is a total replacement for my old Import Vault Fixes and Zevran Romance Dialogue Fixes mods. Both should be uninstalled!
    This can be used alongside Fifth Blight Codex Fix without issue until I incorporate codex fixes into the mod itself.

    Kirkwall Expanded:

    Kirkwall Expanded is fully compatible with Import Vault Fixes.
    You can remove the "Fool's Gold Every Time" optional module from Kirkwall Expanded, not because it will cause a noticeable conflict, but because import fixes accomplishes the same thing.
    Import fixes should not conflict with the Sigrun cameo.
    Conflicting files: nat380_temmerin.cnv


    Twinception is fully compatible wi...

  • Twinception Mod Compatibility

    The extent of the file modifications required for Twinception presents a number of issues regarding mod intercompatibility. Notable known mod compatibility issues have been flagged here.

    Many mod incompatibility issues can be resolved by manipulating the load order of your installed mods. This can easily be accomplished by organizing your mods into labeled folders. Instructions for manipulating load order can be found here.

    Specific notes on mod compatibility:

    Follower banter
    To utilize mods that edit the main follower banter file, such as Less Uncomfortable Companion Banters, please ensure that the banter mod loads with a higher priority than Twinception, or remove the conflicting files from Twinception. By doing so, you may notice th...

  • Manipulating Load Order to Resolve Mod Conflicts

    The easiest way to manipulate load order of your mods is by taking advantage of the way the game loads mods in alphabetical order.

    Say I open packages\core\override and create a number of subfolders within and name them as follows, prefacing each with a letter label:

    A. Lower priority mods
    B. Twinception
    C. Higher priority mods
    D. Compatibility patches

    It doesn't matter exactly how the folders are named so long as they will load in a particular order, which I believe is ASCII order, so 0-9 A-Z a-z. Personally, I number mine 1., 2.1., 2.2., 3. etc.

    By installing particular mods in particular folders, you can easily control which mod will take precedence in the game. If a mod in folder A and a mod in folder B contain...

  • Twinception Files Modified

    Because so many files are affected by this mod, and because their impact on the mod vary so widely, they have been sorted into three different priority categories:

    Critical files are essential for the mod and the game to function as intended. Conflicts with critical files may prevent the game from accurately registering Bethany's or Carver's status, or may halt forward progresson certain quests or the game as a whole.
    Priority files prevent major visual or content bugs, but nothing permanent or game-breaking. These files also ensure the twins will appear in and participate in scenes as expected.
    Supplemental files prevent minor visual or content glitches, such as twins standing on top of each other, twins being incorrectly referred to as dead in character dialogue,...

  • Import Vault Fixes: Affected Lines

    To preface: there were so many issues with import at release that it's exceedingly hard to keep track of what known issues were corrected in an official patch, what was corrected in another fix mod (either my old mod or monochrome wench's fixes on the BSN), and what fixes are new to this version of the mod. Also some of these lines already worked fine under 90% of circumstances and were fixed for edge cases. Also I've probably missed some when going through my notes idk it's a lot.

    The following plot flags contained errors of some kind:

    289 - Alistair romance active - failed to trigger
    290 - Alistair romance active & Warden died - failed to trigger
    293 - Warden is Anora's king/prince-consort - triggered even if Warden died
    297 - Warden is Ali...

  • World Vault Manual Save Game Editing

    To manually edit the imported vault values stored in your save game:

    1. Open the save game (.das) in the Origins Toolset or in pyGFF (screencaps will be shown in pyGFF).

    2. Expand the WVLT (world vault) node, and then expand the list of world vault booleans (WVB1)


    3. If necessary, scroll down to locate the IDs 2000 and up, which are the plot flags.


    4. Each boolean is 0 for false or 1 for true. If using pyGFF, save the edited number using the save button at the bottom of the screen before saving the file as a whole.

    Note: if you need to change the Warden's gender or race, these should be stored instead under WVI1 (World Vault Ints) but may be stored under WVB1 (World Vault Bools)...

  • Import Vault Fixes: Supported Vault Flags and Variables

    The plot flags listed below are in use by the game to determine what vault content should be presented to the player. The flags have been organized into categories. Each lists the three digit flag ID, a description of the flag, and which four digit vault ID determines the value of each flag. Each of these vault IDs can be manually edited in the save game. Typically 0 = false and 1 = true.

    gen00pt_vault GUID: 06747299357844759FA42C634B2C8FB2

    The Warden:

    291 - The warden was male (1000 = 1)
    292 - The warden was female (1000 = 2)
    299 - The warden was a dwarf (1001 = 1)
    300 - The warden was an elf (1001 = 2)
    302 - The warden was a human (1001 = 3)
    277 - The warden was a circle mage (2000)
    308 - The warden was a dwarf co...

  • How to change face in DA2 mid playthrough

    1) Open the desired save in the PYGFF editor
    2) Open 16002 and then 16208
    3) Scroll down to 16950 - SAVEGAME_PLAYER_MORPH and click on it
    4) Right-click in the box and choose "Import from file"
    5) Locate the desired .mor and import
    6) Click OK when the box "Import succeeded" pops up and click "Save" below the first box where you first imported
    7) Save the save-file

    Guide by Cullenite...

  • Twinception Debug Info

    Refer to the wiki for instructions on enabling the console.
    To access the Twinception debug run the following console command: runscript twins_debug
    Please note: any use of the debug for purposes other than those explicitly outlined below will not be supported. Feel free to faff about with it if you wish, but don't comment if something breaks.
    Note also: marking a twin dead in the debug will not remove them from the party picker; it'll just grey them out. They'll still be treated as if they're dead. It's fine. It works. It just doesn't remove them from the party pool.


    There used to be a mod by xatmos by the name of Sophie's Choice, which has since been hidden. It allowed you to play the game with the "wrong" twin by tricking the game in...

  • Kirkwall Expanded Quest Guide

    Kirkwall Expanded Quest Guide
    This article contains walkthroughs of most of the original quests I added to the game.  It does not include any of the fetch quests or any of the "restored" content, as all of those quests should be straightforward, without anything extra or hidden.

    Most of these quests are very small and simple, but may have something hidden you overlooked.  Spoilers may be included in these walkthroughs, so if you'd rather figure things out for yourself, don't read. :)


    A Dozen Years of Solitude (Act 1)

    Purchase the “Strange Amulet” for sale from Jocelyn’s Bits and Baubles in the Lowtown Bazaar. (Jocelyn and her store don’t appear until after you have visited Gamlen for the first tim...

  • Instructions on use

    Dragon Age 2 Character Creator Guide

    Make sure you have both Dragon Age: Origins and the Toolset installed

    I recommend applying the LAA patch to your toolset

    Install all the components from this mod:

    Extract ZZ. Dragon Age CC from Dragon Age 2 CC Core Files.7z to:

    C:\Users\\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override

    Backup your DefaultSettings in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age\tools

    Extract contents of Dragon Age Toolset Settings.7z to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age\tools 

    Open the Toolset as normal and click File / New / Morph

  • Quick Little Tutorials

    Quick item model change tutorial: 
    To change an item's model, you'll need something that can edit UTI files. Most common ones are:
    --the DAO toolset, or at least its GffEditor 
    --NWN2gff (
    --TlkEdit (
    You also need the item's UTI.  Most can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age II\packages\core\data\designerresources.RIM.
    To extract them, you can use pyGFF ( 

    Once you have the UTI, open it up, and look for a line that says Mo...

  • DA2 Item Sets - DLCs

    Please note: you will still need the associated DLC to actually use these! 

    Mage Pack 1:
    Malcolm's Bequest
    1304201  body
    1305200  hood

    Fugitive's Mantle
    1304200  chest
    1306200  gloves
    1307200  boots

    Mage Pack 2:
    1104201  chest
    1105200  helm (half)
    1106200  gloves
    1107200  boots

    Rogue Pack 1:
    Black Fox's Jerkin
    1304101  chest
    1305101  helm (half)
    1306101  gloves
    1307101  boots

    Rascal's Scale
    1304100  chest
    1305100  helm (half)
    1306100  gloves
    1307100  boots


  • DA2 Item Sets - Base Game

    Clothing sets:
    4260 body
    5210 hood B
    5211 hood C

    Commoner B (EM only)
    4401 body
    5420 hood

    Commoner C (EM only)
    4402 body
    5421 hood

    Noble A
    4410 body
    5203 / 5400 hood

    Noble B
    4411 body
    5204 / 5401 hood

    Noble C
    4412 body
    5205 / 5403 hood

    Light Armor sets:
    Light A (rogue starting armor)
    4100 chest
    5118 helm (half)
    5251 hood
    6100 gloves
    7100 boots

    Light B

  • Dragon Age 2 Mage Grandmaster Save (WITH ALL HAWKE'S KEYS FULLY UPGRADED THREE-FOLD):

    Dragon Age 2 Mage Grandmaster Save: This save I consider a ‘Grandmaster Save’ in that there is an extreme possibility you won’t need any other save to recuperate any items in the inventory for this save through the editor unto any other saves… I.E.: This might be a ‘Mage’ Character, and it save is set at nearly the very beginning for your enjoyment but it is mostly a save for anyone wishing to import almost every ‘excellent/ high-graded’ conceivable item from the character’s backpack into your own character using gff editor (check online how to do this!!!).I ALSO included every conceivable Hawke’s Keys Combinations you might want/ need (again, you can import these easily through gff editor, albeit the Hawke’s Keys are a DLC add-on, from ‘Legacy’ to be exact...

  • Respective hairs on NPCs

    1. Arianni: Sky293
    2. Orana: Papaya
    3. Athenril: Luckystar
    4. Katriela: Hello
    5. Maren: Foamsummer
    6. Nyssa: Lilacfog
    7. Lia: Synthesis
    8. Porfiria: Cameron
    9. Serendipity: Sayforever
    10. Sabina: Princess
    11. Elven Fanatic: Blossomstory
    12. Variel: Sakura
    13. Vinell: Onlyyou
    14. Cora: Sunsetglow
    15. Dalish Archer: Kamill
    16. Dalish Assassin: Slowly
    17. Dalish Warrior: Soundwave
    18. Dalish Guard: Dreadlocks

    1. Dalish Guard: Joshua
    2. Jethann: Blackout
    3. Cerimon: Faux
    4. Pol: Bittersweet
    5. Junar: Roughsketch
    6. Jelden: Djinn 
    7. Tomwise: Footprint
    8. Sketch: Macho...

  • Locating Vault Bools

    When you import an Origins save into DA2, all the plot flags the game cares about are converted to a list of vault bools in your save game. You can view and edit these in pyGFF (editor.exe) by opening savegame.das and expanding 0 -> 16024 -> 17607.


    The new vault bools added by this mod start with 57 and will usually (though not always) be at the very bottom of the list.

    5741 = game was created with mod installed

    For the Keep walls to be upgraded, 5...

  • Changing the Eyes

    A few people have asked, so here are two ways to go about it, nothing complicated, I promise. 

    Method 1:

    This method consists of switching out the eye texture with something more to your taste. There are a few mods on the nexus that have unique eye textures that can be used as replacers, the ones I know of are Eyes of Glass DA2 DAO by Khylian and LOTC s Eye Textures for DA2 by marquiseondore.


    You'll need:

     -Bioware .erf Packager
    - pyGFF Editor

    Extract them both in separate folders.


    -First off, you're going to want to grab the .erf file associated with the character you want to edit, I'll go with Fenris'.(Fenris_Files.erf)

    - Open pyGFF (editor....