Mod articles

  • USSEP is NOT 'useless garbage'

    This was a post I originally submitted to the Steam Discussions area for Skyrim LE back in 2015 to address some issues that came up, and to a large extent, still do. People have a tendency to brand the USSEP as useless garbage that doesn't do anything so I whipped up a randomly selected bunch of things off the top of my head at the time.

    The first section of quoted material addresses 4 issues that were being discussed but were not entirely correct.

    The second section that's been broken down into 4 parts by themselves should be reason enough for people to value the USSEP.

    Thalmor Embassy Disguise fix that will break the main quest if appears in game.
    While we do fix the disguise so it works properly, it NOT working won't break the game. In fact you ...