1. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,488 kudos
    Going to turn this into a catch-all sticky.

    1. WE DO NOT SUPPORT VR IN ANY WAY!!! Bethesda has intentionally not provided it with mod support. It was built from an ancient fork of SE from before the Creation Club came into existence. The price of VR gear is too expensive for members of the team to justify. Plus the master files don't match up at all. There are currently no modder supported methods to auto-patch for VR since VR does not have any of the new content from SE 1.6.

    2. We will not tolerate support requests for anyone using a jailbroken console. These activities are ILLEGAL and any posts on the subject will be instantly deleted, your access to this thread blocked permanently, and you WILL be reported to Nexus Staff for piracy.

    3. This is NOT a general troubleshooting area. This topic is specifically for support of the patch. Please keep any general troubleshooting to the forums where you will get a more useful response for yourself and others.

    4. Under no circumstances will we provide you with old copies of the patch. Do not ask. We will also NOT provide support for the archives which Nexus is forcing people to maintain. Do not ask about those either. All posts asking us to provide support for older versions of the game will be summarily deleted from now on.

    5. Regarding the "AE vs SE" misinformation that's going around, please do yourself a favor and read this: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/5954-skyrim-anniversary-edition-and-you/ It will clear up any confusion on the subject that other forums are causing.

    6. If you're using any of the additional DLCs from the Anniversary Edition Upgrade, you need to also download Garthand's Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches as these will resolve the conflicts between USSEP and the DLCs, as well as addressing other bugs in them that we are not covering.

    7. Yes, you understood correctly, as of the June 2022 update, fixes for the 4 free DLCs that were downloaded with the 1.6 game update are now incorporated with the USSEP.
  2. NightWolfTAW
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hey all...

    It's been awhile since I played last and wanted to see what the current status was with the game. Just didn't feel like backtracking through 13k+ replies. I know you guys work hard keeping up with this as do the other modders whether to keep the game running or those who make other mods. I had a good setup going back with 1.6.640 up until they did that cash grab bs and royally screwed with everyone's existing stable game. I remember the ensuing chaos that happened afterwards. I waited for the updates from you guys and others, tried to fix this and that after updating to the newest release back then, etc. I was in the middle of redoing a friends castle home mod, etc and lost that when the Creative Club Kit updated and wouldn't take the old file. It was total madness and I just gave up after trying so many times, following Wolfpack49's posts and others, and yet still could not get it all back after that fiasco. 

    So here we are months later and I wanted to see if it all calmed down, if everything for the most part is working right again like it did before all of that. If so, since I save all my files, I can rebuild it back to where it was. Worse case scenario I just rebuild it with the GoG version back to 1.6.640.

    Thanks all for the hard work you do.
    *fingers crossed*
    1. Wolfpack49
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Well since only dll based skse plugins are affected by game updates, those are the only mods you’d need to check. This mod only supports the latest versions of the game - 1.6.1179 for GOG and 1.6.1170 for Steam. 
    2. NightWolfTAW
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for the reply back Wolf. Appreciate it. Will get back into it and see if I can get it sorted and running once more.
  3. Wolfpack49
    • premium
    • 301 kudos
    Question on the Toying with the Dead quest fix. Should the fix allow you to drop/store the journals without completing the quest, or does it only keep the quest from starting when you obtain the journals?  I have a character who won't ever join the Thieves Guild so wondering if the fix should allow her to store the journals somewhere. If not, maybe each journals weight could be set to 0?
  4. AmethystIgnis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, even with this patch there has been an unpleasant bug in the game for a long time. If you shout fus rod dah at a draugr (and, it seems, a dragon) and then attack him with destruction magic from both hands (with the “Shock Wave” skill) until he has come to his senses completely, then he will get stuck: he will stand still and do nothing at all, neither look around, nor attack, nor walk. It seems that this also “works” with dragons, as I realized after the last battle
  5. Carzael
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have a problem regarding the weapon mounts, it doesn't let me activate them, nor the plates on the wall, when deactivating the patch mod it solves the error, but it's not what should happen, I already checked it and it's the only one that causes me that error.If I don't make myself understood I apologize, but I don't speak English correctly.
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,488 kudos
      First off, DO NOT remove the patch from a save you intend to keep. Doing so will break it.

      Weapon racks are a bit fiddly if you install the patch while standing in a room with racks. Especially if they're in use. You need to leave the location you're in, travel somewhere, and then come back. When you do, they'll be working fine. It's just how the game engine works when you make significant changes like this. The cells need to adjust.
    2. Carzael
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I loaded a previous game from when I had not disabled the patch, and I did the traveling from one place to another, but the problem remains
    3. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,488 kudos
      Then you do indeed have another mod which is interfering with the racks. They work fine for us in testing and always have.
    4. Carzael
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I already tried with the mods one by one, but that bug only appears with the patch, for now I'm giving up, but if anyone knows of a solution I would appreciate it
    5. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,488 kudos
      No, I'm afraid it does not, because you didn't even read what I said when I told you it's been tested.
  6. Jorquerax13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I have a problem with the mod, I updated it and the missions and their descriptions appear in English even though the game is in Spanish, thank you.
    1. Wolfpack49
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      You need to download one of the many Spanish translations of this mod. Check the Translations section of the Description.
    2. Jorquerax13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much, I didn't know I had to do it since when I installed it the first time everything was fine :D
  7. lodmac
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good day, will there ever be a VR version from your team?
    1. DarthVitrial
      • premium
      • 190 kudos
      Unfortunately, VR isn’t even supported by Bethesda anymore.
  8. TheFutileWar
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Bug in whiterun with the new edition, in dragonsreach we have a mission portion on a wall on the right, if we look on the right from farengar office is really on eyes (the wall is trasparant and we can see outside

    Thanks in advance


    1. DarthVitrial
      • premium
      • 190 kudos
      Already fixed for the upcoming update.
    2. Sekayno
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hello, would there be a way for users to make a temporary fix on their own, or do you just recommend waiting for the update ? I'm not too big on modding, so I don't know if what I'm asking for is even worth the trouble, sorry in advance.
    3. Wolfpack49
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      Only if you know what you are doing, and don't need to ask how to do it. It sounds like the answer is no to both those questions.
    4. TheFutileWar
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      wow thanks
  9. DetectiveXando
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I must know... Why intentionally make the lives of modders and mod users alike harder by archiving previous versions of this mod? What purpose could it have? A good portion of mods are only usable on versions 1.5.97 and 1.6.640, simply demanding others to update their game isn't productive for anyone, because the majority of mod lists are tailored for those versions. Wouldn't it save everyone's time to just say "These are the older versions of the patch. We will not provide support for them." and just be done with it?
    1. DarthVitrial
      • premium
      • 190 kudos
      Because people don’t take no for an answer when we say we don’t offer support, and continue to demand it anyway. 
      Look at how many people post here demanding we bring back older versions despite our pinned post saying we never will, and then extrapolate from that how many more people would constantly be demanding support for those old versions if they were offered even if we clearly stated they were unsupported.
    2. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,488 kudos
      A good portion of mods are only usable on versions 1.5.97 and 1.6.640

      Also this claim hasn't been true ever. The only mods which were ever affected by this kind of long term obstinance are SKSE based DLLs. 99.9% of which have either been updated or suitable replacements made for them. All of which work on 1.61170 without issue.

      So yes, it's time to update your game. It's been well over 2 years already and asking us to continue support for two year old copies of the game isn't reasonable.
  10. Gliittch
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i read the comments and they said that i have to update the game, my game version is 1.6.318. However, the mod says that i can use it if my game is over 1.6.1something. the issue that i am facing is that most of the mods needs this mod and whenever i enable it the game does not go beyond Bethesda loading screen. 

    so is my game outdated or is the post ( description ) is outdated. i cant tell. and there is literally more than 13k comments so its hard for me to figure which is which the right thing for me. 

    thanks upfront for your time. 
    1. Wolfpack49
      • premium
      • 301 kudos
      On the Files download page:
      Meant for use ONLY with SSE v1.6.1130+.
      Your game version is out of date.  Update your game on Steam.
  11. Xeraster
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there another way to do mod load order? Can I not do it manually? I'm trying to play this on linux and can't use LOOT. Surely there's a way to circumvent having to use LOOT..

    edit: and before someone tries to say that mod managers are easier, I've already borked and had to re-download my game once trying to use methods besides manual installation. I tried MO2 and LOOT. MO2 made the game not work until I replaced all the skse related files. LOOT permanently borked my game and made it crash on launch. I'm hoping redownloading fixes it.

    Basically, I know how to copy folders but what else do I need to do for manual installation? What do I have to do to install this besides copy folders? What config files do I modify to make the game actually load the mod and stuff?
    1. Arthmoor
      • premium
      • 7,488 kudos
      You could see if you're able to use Wrye Bash since it has a native Python source version. You'd at least have manual control over the load order then. No guarantees though.

      You don't need to copy folders to install this btw. All you need to do is put the files into your Data folder, but without a mod manager, activating them becomes a chore without using either the in-game mod tools or manually editing the plugins.txt file. Both of which are things you'd be better off asking in a general troubleshooting forum.