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    replace skin 2...

  • PlaneCockpitConfig (NimbusCockpitPartsAnim)

    Italic name means it's added by this mod

    cmps - Compass
    altm - Altimeter
    altn - Altimeter_1000ft
    alto - Altimeter_10000ft
    altk - AltimeterB_100m
    altl - AltimeterB_1000m
    altr - AltimeterR_1000Ft
    alts - AltimeterR_1000m
    aspm - SpeedometerKt
    aspk - SpeedometerKMH
    ackh - ClockH
    ackm - ClockM
    acks - ClockS
    accm - Accelerometer
    vspm - VariometerFt
    vspk - VariometerM
    aoam - AngleOfAttack
    erpm - Tachometer, FuelFlow
    ftit - TurbineInletTemp
    intt - TurbineTemp
    fuel - Fuel
    nozp - Throttle_temp, NozzleInd
    mach - Mach
    ecsp - EngSpeed
    fasp - EngFanSpeed
    eopr - OilPressure
    slip - Slip
    swep - RecedingAngleMeter

  • PlaneBodyConfig (NimbusBodyPartsAnim)

    Italic name means it's added by this mod

    elvl - L_Elevator, L_Tail, Tail
    elvr - R_Elevator, R_Tail
    elvn - Elevator
    rudl - L_Rudder
    rudr - R_Rudder
    rudn - Rudder
    alrl - L_Aileron
    alrr - R_Aileron
    tefn - Flap
    vctl - L_Nozzle, N_Nozzle
    vctr - R_Nozzle
    vcth - H_Nozzle, Adf11_Rudder
    cndl - L_Canard
    cndr - R_Canard
    cndn - Canard
    spll - L_Spoiler
    splr - R_Spolier
    nzln - Nozzle
    abkn - AirBrake
    rmpn - AirIntake
    lefn - Front_Flap
    vwgn - VariableWing
    lipn - LipPitch
    rotn - rotn
    cmbr - cmbr
    gunc - Gun_Cover
    misc - Missile_Cover
    spwc - SWPCover, SWPAnim1
    swc1 - SWCover1, SWPCover1
    swc2 - SWCover2, SWPCover2

  • Quick Start Setting in UEVR In-Game Interface

    for players ONLY using the files from my mod:

    in UEVR In-Game Interface

    tick the show advanced options

    make sure the "decoupled pitch" option under camera be disabled

    under UObjectHook, in the main tab, expand the common objects, and expand the acknowledged pawn, scroll down and find the bIsInCloud and bIsInSand, tick them on and then right click on them, click save property

    this is a quick/easy solution for the "cockpit model lock to camera / stick to your face" problem, but you will experience small shaking in cockpit but i guess this is acceptable. if you don't want to have this little shaking, please read below.


    for players also using the files from other vr compatibility mod:

    not ...

  • Utilizing the Base Pawn for a Specific Plane


    This guide will cover how to utilize the Base Pawn file for a specific plane.

    You will need UModelAC7, UAssetGUI, and UnrealPakEnhanced. You can find them here (Link to AC7 Modding Wiki)

    UModelAC7 is used to extract an existing plane pawn file from the game
    UAssetGUI is used to edit the extracted plane pawn
    UnrealPakEnhanced is used to package the edited plane pawn into a .pak to be read by the game

    It is highly advisable that you know how to perform Weapon Swapping, so you are familiar with the above tools and how to use UAssetGUI. Find guides on Weapon Swapping here (link to AC7 Modding Wiki)

    Extract a plane pawn of your choosing using UModelAC7.

    For exampl...

  • Suggested file organization (By Megalith)

    Hello, It's a pleasure to be here. However I'll go straight to the point in order to not waste anyone's time.

    First, you need to know how priority works.
    Each mod has a tilde (~) in order to increase a mod's load priority. It wouldn't accelerate it's loading, but it'll indicate the game what mod should be loaded first.

    Here's how I organize the mod's folder for better compatibility.

    Keep in mind that each one of those folders contain an add-on mod.
    Notice how Sincerity's paks have more tildes (~)
    Most, if not all Add-on models placed on folders have at least 2 to 4 tildes. You can modify each one to have only 2 tildes or no tildes at all (I suggest you do that)

    And why, exactly?

  • Extra explaination for add-ons

    In this article, I aim to explain a lil' bit on what instances to make for each add-ons.

    Su-27 Flanker-B Model-Swap / EA-18G Growler Model Swap and AddOn / F-14B Tomcat Model Swap and AddOn
    These three add-ons require both a regular instance and a decal instance. In this case, regular instance = decal instance. Basically, make a regular instance, duplicate it, rename it into decal instance. That's it.

    F/A-20 (Tiger Pack - AddOn) / F-117A Nighthawk - AddOn / MiG-1.44 Flatpack - AddOn
    The add-ons here only require regular instances. No need to make a decal instance.

    F/A-5E (Tiger Pack - AddOn)
    Same case as above, being that only a regular instance required, although they're call...


    Hey there. This article contains string documents, files, which user can read to help translate them into the 12 supported languages.

    Languages supported by ACE7:
    (sorted in localisation order)

    A - English

    B - Traditional Chinese
    C - French
    D - German
    E - Italian
    F - Japanese
    G - Korean
    H - European Spanish
    I - Latin American Spanish
    J - Polish
    K - Brazilian Portugese
    L - Russian
    M - Simplified Chinese

    The original texts will be in English. I've categorised the translation texts into two folders, Folder #1 and Folder #2. Here's some explanation as to why.

    Folder #1 will be meant for (i...

  • A list of .PAKs

    Just a list of required, compatible, incompatible, and redundant add-on-related .PAKs before you install my patch.

    (There is no need to install every single add-on to make the compatibility work for aircrafts of your own choice. You can choose to disable certain add-ons you want by following my guide here.)

    _~~~~~~Su-30M3_P.pak (Su-30M3 - A Flanker Aircraft Addon -)
    ~~~~~~~F-15CX_Skins_P.pak (F-15CX Eagle II (ADDON))
    ~~~~~~~F-85B Bullshark_Skins_P.pak (F-85B Bullshark (ADDON))
    ~~~~~~F16VX_Module_P.pak (F-16VX Silent Viper - AddOn)
    ~~~~~~Nighthawk_AddOn_MoreSkinSlots_P.pak (F-117A Nighthawk - AddOn - More Skin Slots)
    ~~~~~~TigerPack_AddOn_MoreSkinSlots_P.pak (Tiger Pack - AddOn - More Skin Slots)

  • Questions and Answers - Additional Emblem Slots

    Questions and Answers - Additional Emblem Slots

    Before you ask questions, or report issues with the mod that may or may not occurred due to your own fault, the user, read this first.


    "The new emblems are all white."

    They're white because the game's trying to reference textures that do not exist, defaulting to a generic white texture instead. It can't be fixed.


    "The new emblem slots' names are 'Emblem_Name_XXX' for some reason"

    You didn't install my Essential Files. READ. THE. DESCRIPTION.


  • Questions and Answers - Additional Skin Slots

    Questions and Answers - Additional Skin Slots

    Before you start asking about why the skin slot doesn't show up or report bugs which may or may not have been caused by the user themselves, read this first.


    "New skins?"

    This mod adds new skin slots, which then fellow modders may use to make skin mods. Or skin-slot model-swaps (model-swaps, but instead of replacing an entire plane slot, it only replaces certain skin slots).


    "The skin slots ain't showing up"
    You didn't install my Essential Files. READ. THE. DES...

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Before you start asking questions about why the Patch's not working, or you want to report a bug that definitely did not occur due to the fault of the user, read the FAQs here first.


    "None of the add-ons show up"

    PlayerPlaneDataTable conflict. There's another mod inside your ~mods folder that is overriding my Compatibility Patch. Usually, it'll be a mod related to ammo changes. Remove said mod from your ~mods folder. Preferably, I'd suggest to sort your ~mods folder. You can follow this baseline to sort your ~mods folder.


  • Interaction with Parts

    While I will not disclose the "magic" of the weapons (you are allowed to look into it for yourself), there are some I must inform regarding the way the weapon interacts with parts. This may or may not reveal, give away, or give hint on what actually happens with the weapons.

    Things to note:

    LASM replacement will not be affected by any parts
    EML replacement will not be affected by EML parts

    EML replacement will be affected by missile parts


  • Advanced Installation

    Modular SP Weapon Swap for F-22A (Advanced Install Version)


    Extract the files from the .zip
    Put "ModularSWPSwap_F-22A_Base_(Advanced)_P.pak" found in "Base Files/" into your ~mods/ folder
    Designate which skins you want to have their SP Weapon swapped.
    If you want all skins to be eligible for swapping, install "~ModularSWPSwap_F-22A_Base_(Advanced)_AllSkins_P.pak" found in "Swap Files/All Skins/" folder
    Otherwise, individually designate the skins by installing the corresponding Base Skin files found in "Swap Files/<Skin slot>/"
    For example, to designate Skin 5 (Spare Skin) (that is, to make Skin 5 eligible) for swapping, install "ModularSWPSwap_F-...

  • Development Log 1

    Hi there!

    This is my first time writing one of these, so it might be a little awkward, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

    In case you don't know me, I'm Cola (aka Calamitous, and about a dozen other various names, but I'll stick with Cola for these), the lead developer for Skies Restored. It's been my absolute pleasure to develop this mod and release it to such warm and positive response. It really does make me feel happy that people are enjoying the fruits of my year-long labor of passion.

    I've decided to start documenting the development process for certain parts of the mod, including what I'm working on, and what you might potentially see in future updates. This can be anything from prototype files that are imminent for release, or brainstormed concept...

  • Reason for Weapon Selection

    The idea for those weapons mostly came from existing superweapons, specifically ones where the original form of the plane - X-02 Wyvern - was first released: Ace Combat 04.

    4QAAM+ takes inspiration from Ace Combat 04's extremely hard-to-dodge QAAMs
    HE Cruise Missile / Mini-ICBM takes inspiration from the very agile and high explosive Missile from Mission 14: Breaking Arrows, and the ICBM from Mission 18: Megalith
    Airburst EML takes inspiration from Stonehenge, which is a big railgun with high-explosive warhead. However, the implementation here is closer to the version from Ace Combat Infinity where it caused damage in an area rather than blanketing the sky above 2000 feet
    Ordnance Suppressor is meant to be a "cheat-ish" tool to stop missile alerts at th...

  • Installation Guide

    To install this mod, you need to put the files you want to have in your game's ~mods folder.
    If you don't have that directory yet, you need to make it, and put it in <Game install parent folder>/ACE COMBAT 7/Game/Content/Paks

    Download the archive file for this mod, then extract the files you want into that ~mods folder

    You can choose which weapon(s) you want to have.

    X-02S Superweapons SpW (Base)_P.pak
    Base file of the mod. Required to make the mod work. Adds basic IEWS on droptank trigger activation. INCOMPATIBLE WITH X-02S WEAPON SWAPS

    ~X-02S Superweapons SpW (4QAAM+)_P.pak
    Changes QAAM to 4QAAM+. Applies to all skins.

    ~X-02S Superweapons SpW (Mini-ICBM)_P.pak
    Changes LASM to H...

  • Original (pre-1.2) Readme

    Why use this mod?
    Ever wanted to swap a weapon for F-22A but only the first weapon? Or only the second and third? Or perhaps only the first weapon of a specific skin (or skins)? Want to choose for yourself on which skin the weapon swap is applied? This is the mod.

    What weapon swaps are available?
    The weapons available to install on each slot are:

    Slot 1 (Replaces QAAM): HPAA, LAAM, SASM
    Slot 2 (Replaces XSDB): 4AAM, HCAA
    Slot 3 (Replaces 8AAM): MSTM

    Does ammo count change?
    Why? Because ammo change will make it incompatible with any mods that do similar thing - editing the roster data table. A popular one in particular is sincerity's addon plane compatibility.
    This means HPAA will have the same base ammo ...

  • Important Note

    Note :
    This is only the Beta version for the mod itself.

    But credit to :
