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About this mod

This is an all in one version of my various ship module mods: TN's Hab Tweaks, TN's Useful Ship Structure, TN's Expanded Cargo Holds, TN's Supplemental Thrusters, TN's Supplemental Reactors, TN's Supplemental Cockpits, and TN's Weapon to Module Snapping.

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If you have previously used the individual versions of these mods, then you will want to uninstall them prior to installing the all in one. You will need to repurchase any Supplemental Cockpits, as well as Supplemental Reactors. Both of those mods added new entries, and therefore the game will see the ones added by the all in one as new modules all together.

If you want to install any variants from my other mods on top of this one (if I ever release any), you will need to be sure they are installed beneath this one in load order. A full breakdown of the mods included are as follows:
  • TN's Hab Tweaks - Rebalances the Habs added into the game by giving them small amounts of cargo (or large amounts for dedicated cargo habs), and other stats befitting the hab's purpose. Each Hab also grants the ship some amount of Hull based on size, instead of being a flat rate for all Habs.
  • TN's Useful Ship Structure - Gives all of the "decorative" structure items some Hull based on their size and a guestimate of how much 'armor' they would add to the ship. It also modifies some of the fuel tanks, landing gear, and dockers to give slightly more hull. Radiators give additional shield health, and the Sensors buff your lock on time slightly and to your crew station count (like weapons).
  • TN's Expanded Cargo Holds - Triples the cargo capacity of the cargo containers, though shielded cargo gives 85% of what unshielded does, instead of 75%. It also adds a little hull to the 'armored' cargo hulls, and gives additional storage in the captain's locker (plus makes it not respawn).
  • TN's Supplemental Thruster - Gives the braking thrusters, some of the landing gear, and maneuvering thrusters additional thrust and/or maneuvering at the cost of a small amount of power being diverted to them. The All in One also adds a little Hull where appropriate to bring it in line with the Useful Ship Structures.
  • TN's Supplemental Reactors - Adds additional "reactors" that can be used alongside primary reactors without the need to remove reactor limits. The mod is balanced so that it doesn't make the additional reactors add more hull, and instead costs the ship additional mass and lowered hull to get additional power.
  • TN's Supplemental Cockpits - Adds in copies of the primary cockpits with altered stats to act as decor and to grant additional crew stations, all without needing to remove the cockpit limit.
  • TN's Weapon To Module Snapping - Adds the ability to snap weapons (and other small modules like the scan jammers) onto any slot, even those directly on habs and on structure parts. It makes no edits to the weapons, habs, or structure parts themselves in order to achieve this.
  • TN's Separated Categories - Uses the Ship Builder Categories mod to separate Habs into categories by manufacturer, weapons into categories by damage type, and the braking thrusters into their own category separate from structure parts.
  • All of the above individual mods have been combined into one with minor edits for better compatibility between them.
  • Supplemental Cockpits and Supplemental Reactors are now found in their own categories.
  • This mod now requires the Ship Builder Categories mod unless you use the "Less Dependencies Version". However it is highly recommended you get the Ship Builder Categories to avoid compatibility issues in the future.

In addition, since I am compiling this all in one, I should recommend a number of mods which go well with this All in One to allow for a much better ship building experience. Some of these mods are fully compatible, but those that are not are given compatibility patches in here in the optional files.
  • No Engine Power Limits - Removes the limit on how many engines you can put on. They will keep requiring more power though (even past 12), which is a good reason to use the Supplemental Reactors to compensate.
  • No Weapon Power or Count Limit - Lets you exceed the 12 power max per weapon type. It doesn't let you have more than three sets of weapons, but that's fine I think!
  • No Shield Limit - Add as many shields as you want, take up as much power as you want. You can see why the supplemental reactors came about.
  • No Landing Bay or Docker Limits - Great quality of life mod. The landing bays work great, but using more than one docker can create odd behavior. The decision is up to you.
  • Ship Size Limit CCR - You are going to need one of these when you start building the mammoths, and this one has been the most stable and reliable thusfar.
  • Ship Build Tolerance Tweaks - It helps a ton with ship building. It kind of goes hand in hand with upping your ship's size.
  • Outpost Shipbuilder Unlocked - I have been asked many times about compatibility with other mods that unlock ship parts. Not all of them do it the right way (editing the vendors themselves, instead of editing the individual crafting recipes). This one does it the right way!
  • Better Ship Parts Snaps - Fully compatible with my all in one, it only edits the snaps themselves, and gives additional locations for modules to snap together. Since it edits things on a different level than I do, there are no compatibility issues.
  • Grav Drive Boosters - In a similar vein as my supplemental cockpits and supplemental reactors, this mod adds in grav drive boosters so you can easily keep up with the demand of your ship's mass, and you can even go above and beyond the 30LY cap with this one. It was recently made compatible with SBC, and works out of the box without a patch needed now.
  • TN's Space Mining and Salvage - I'm obviously a little biased here, but it adds in mining lasers and a small gameplay loop so you can mine asteroids and space debris and get worthwhile rewards for it.
  • TN's Class M Ship Building - Again, pretty obviously biased, but my other mod for Class M ships is a must if you want to go big or go home. It includes a patch for the All in One here.
  • Functional Brigs - I don't add too much function to the brigs in my Hab Tweaks mod because what you really need for them is right here. Capture NPC's and take them in to collect a bounty on their heads, mando style!
  • Functional Infirmaries - Made by the same author as Functional Brigs, it makes it so if you have a medical crewmember, they can heal you in your infirmary of conditions.
  • Decorative Engines - A nice little mod for either replacing some unneeded engines that you just wanted there to look cool, or for having the look of a C class engine on your ship without the slow speeds.
  • Junk In Your (Ship's) Trunk (Patch Available) - Adds additional flips for some of the cargo modules in the game. Use my patch instead of the x3 cargo expander, or place JIYT before my mod in load order (You will lose JIYT's decorative category if you choose not to use my patch).
  • Ship Module Snap Expansion (Patch Available) - Has a slightly misleading name, it essentially adds additional ways for structure modules to snap onto your ship (rotations). It edits the modules at the same level I do, which means I will be offering a compatibility patch, and try to stay on top of the new releases this man brings out.
  • DerreTech (Patch Available) - You probably knew about this one before you knew about mine, but I do highly recommend it! He's adding in all new ship modules, and they look amazing.
  • Ship Builder Retexture Weapon Modules - This turns most of the weapons to a black coloration, which makes it a lot easier to match to most ships. There's also a version for Grav Drives and Reactors.
  • Ship Colorize - A different option to the above. I use it now, as it lets me choose whatever color I want to have for the weapons etc.
Additional mods may be added to the recommended list, and additional compatibility patches may become available if necessary.

This mod has been created with the experimental xEdit release found on their Discord server.*
Caution should be used when using experimental mods, and always back up a save file before using one.

*The xEdit version used was compiled specifically to allow changes to Reflection data. While care was made not to change any values in the Reflections, and this mod has been tested with no ill side effects, it is not recommended to play with Reflections willy nilly until xEdit releases the ability to edit them officially. As with all of these pre-CK mods, BACK UP your games and test the mod before proceeding.

  • Unzip the archive and put TNShipModsAllInOne.esm into your Starfield/Data folder (most likely under Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data), or let your mod manager install the file.
  • Ensure that archive invalidation is enabled in your StarfieldCustom.ini. (Look below if you don't)
  • Either add the line sTestFileX=TNShipModsAllInOne.esm under the [General] section of your StarfieldCustom.ini file (With X being replaced with the next available number 1-10), or add *TNShipModsAllInOne.esm to your Plugins.txt file if you have the plugin.txt enabler. (Ensure it has the * in front of it.)
  • Install Baka Achievement Enabler and SFSE if you don't want achievements disabled.

If you haven't already done it for another mod, this is what needs to go in your StarfieldCustom.ini:

My Other Mods:
TN's Ship Modules All In One
TN's Class M Ship Building
TN's Space Mining and Salvage
TN's Hab Shells
TN's Supplemental Thrusters
TN's Hab Tweaks 
TN's Useful Ship Structure 
TN's Expanded Cargo Holds
TN's Supplemental Reactors
TN's Supplemental Cockpits
TN's Weapon To Module Snapping
TN's Separated Categories
TN's Aid and Ammo Crafting
TN's Melee Weapon Modifications
TN's Power Tools 
TN's Modular Starborn Suits
TN's Outpost Storage
TN's Realistic Oxygen Meter
TN's Useful Unique Outfits